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为什么Jupyter Notebook无法打开笔记本?

[英]Why doesn't Jupyter notebook command open notebook?

When I write jupyter notebook in terminal it doesn't open notebook, it opens Jupyter tree. 当我在终端中编写jupyter notebook ,它没有打开笔记本,而是打开了Jupyter树。 What can be the problem? 可能是什么问题?

The command you give should open Jupyter in the filesystem view first. 您给出的命令应首先在文件系统视图中打开Jupyter。 You then navigate from there to a notebook and double-click that, which will open the notebook in a new browser tab. 然后,您从那里导航到笔记本,然后双击该笔记本,这将在新的浏览器选项卡中打开笔记本。

Question : When I write jupyter notebook in terminal it doesn't open notebook, it opens Jupyter tree. 问题 :当我在终端中编写jupyter notebook ,它没有打开笔记本,而是打开了Jupyter树。 What can be the problem? 可能是什么问题?

Answer : You missed the path for the notebook (say, notebook_to_open.ipynb). :您错过了笔记本的路径(例如,notebook_to_open.ipynb)。 Try again with command like this: 使用以下命令重试:

(windows) (视窗)

jupyter notebook c:/path/to/your/notebook_to_open.ipynb

(linux) (Linux)的

jupyter notebook ~/path/to/your/notebook_to_open.ipynb

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