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[英]Updating Custom Attached Property in Style Trigger with Setter

I was trying out attached properties and style triggers hoping to learn more about it. 我正在尝试附加属性和样式触发器,希望能够更多地了解它。 I wrote a very simple WPF windows app with an attached property: 我写了一个非常简单的WPF Windows应用程序,附带一个属性:

  public static readonly DependencyProperty SomethingProperty = 
          new UIPropertyMetadata(0));

  public int GetSomethingProperty(DependencyObject d)
      return (int)d.GetValue(SomethingProperty);
  public void SetSomethingProperty(DependencyObject d, int value)
      d.SetValue(SomethingProperty, value);

And I was trying to update the 'Something' attached property with a property trigger defined in the button style section: 我试图用按钮样式部分中定义的属性触发器更新'Something'附加属性:

  <Window x:Class="TestStyleTrigger.Window1"
      Title="Window1" Height="210" Width="190">
          <Style x:Key="buttonStyle" TargetType="{x:Type Button}">
                  <Trigger Property="IsPressed" Value="True">
                      <Setter Property="local:Window1.Something" Value="1" />

      <Button Style="{StaticResource buttonStyle}"></Button>

However, I kept getting following compilation error: 但是,我不断收到编译错误:

error MC4003: Cannot resolve the Style Property 'Something'. 错误MC4003:无法解析样式属性'Something'。 Verify that the owning type is the Style's TargetType, or use Class.Property syntax to specify the Property. 验证拥有类型是Style的TargetType,还是使用Class.Property语法指定Property。 Line 10 Position 29. 第10行第29位。

I can't understand why it gives me this error because I did use the 'Class.Property' syntax in the tag of the section. 我无法理解为什么它会给我这个错误,因为我在该部分的标签中使用了'Class.Property'语法。 Can any one tell me how can I fix this compilation error? 任何人都可以告诉我如何解决这个编译错误?

Your backing methods for the dependency property are named incorrectly and must be static: 您对依赖项属性的支持方法命名不正确,必须是静态的:

public static int GetSomething(DependencyObject d)
    return (int)d.GetValue(SomethingProperty);

public static void SetSomething(DependencyObject d, int value)
    d.SetValue(SomethingProperty, value);

Also, you shouldn't specify the assembly in the local XML NS mapping in the XAML because the namespace is in the current assembly. 此外,您不应在XAML中的本地XML NS映射中指定程序集,因为名称空间位于当前程序集中。 Do this instead: 改为:


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