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无法在 Setter 中设置附加属性

[英]Unable to set Attached Property in a Setter

I have a Style in a custom control, in which I am trying to set an attached property on a Label .我在自定义控件中有一个Style ,我试图在Label上设置附加属性。

The Style样式

<Style x:Key="DayNumberStyle" TargetType="Label" BasedOn="{StaticResource {x:Type Label}}">
    <Setter Property="HorizontalAlignment" Value="Center"></Setter>
    <Setter Property="local:DateRangePickerHelper.SelectionType" Value="Selected"></Setter>

The Attached Property附加属性

public class DateRangePickerHelper : FrameworkElement
    public static readonly DependencyProperty SelectionTypeProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached(
        "DateSelectionType", typeof(DateSelectionType), typeof(DateRangePickerHelper),
        new PropertyMetadata(DateSelectionType.NotSelected));

    public static void SetSelectionType(DependencyObject element, DateSelectionType value)
        element.SetValue(SelectionTypeProperty, value);

    public static DateSelectionType GetSelectionType(DependencyObject element)
        return (DateSelectionType)element.GetValue(SelectionTypeProperty);

The Enum枚举

public enum DateSelectionType

The Label Label

<Label Style="{StaticResource DayNumberStyle}" Grid.Column="0" Content="{Binding Sunday}">
      <b:EventTrigger EventName="MouseLeftButtonUp">                                                                                    
         <b:InvokeCommandAction Command="{Binding Path=LabelClickedCommand, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=local:DateRangePicker}}"                                                                                            CommandParameter="{Binding Sunday}"></b:InvokeCommandAction>                                                                                

The Error错误

Value cannot be null.值不能是 null。 (Parameter 'property') (参数“属性”)

When I remove the attached property from the Setter everything works correctly.当我从Setter中删除附加属性时,一切正常。

Can someone explain why I cannot set this with the Style Setter ?有人可以解释为什么我不能用Style Setter它吗?

You define a dependency property SelectionTypeProperty , so its name must be SelectionType , as your can read in the documentation: How to implement a dependency property (WPF .NET)您定义了一个依赖属性SelectionTypeProperty ,因此它的名称必须是SelectionType ,您可以在文档中阅读: 如何实现依赖属性 (WPF .NET)

The identifier field must follow the naming convention <property name>Property .标识符字段必须遵循命名约定<property name>Property For instance, if you register a dependency property with the name Location , then the identifier field should be named LocationProperty .例如,如果您使用名称Location注册依赖属性,则标识符字段应命名为LocationProperty

However, in your definition, you pass DateSelectionType name, which is the name of the type of the property , but not the name of the property itself.但是,在您的定义中,您传递DateSelectionType名称,它是属性类型的名称,而不是属性本身的名称

If you fail to follow this naming pattern, then WPF designers might not report your property correctly, and aspects of the property system style application might not behave as expected .如果您未能遵循此命名模式,则 WPF 设计师可能无法正确报告您的属性,并且属性系统样式应用程序的某些方面可能无法按预期运行

Change the name to SelectionType and it works as expected.将名称更改为SelectionType并按预期工作。

public static readonly DependencyProperty SelectionTypeProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached(
     "SelectionType", typeof(DateSelectionType), typeof(DateRangePickerHelper),
     new PropertyMetadata(DateSelectionType.NotSelected));

In case you ever implement a regular dependency property that has property wrappers instead of methods, you could use nameof(<YourProperty>) to prevent this and renaming issues.如果您曾经实现具有属性包装器而不是方法的常规依赖属性,则可以使用nameof(<YourProperty>)来防止此问题和重命名问题。

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