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如何将MongoDB多值字段索引到Solr 5.3.0中

[英]How to index MongoDB multivalued field into Solr 5.3.0

I have mongodb documents like this,, 我有像这样的mongodb文件,

    "_id" : ObjectId("5993d55cebb06d20f08521ad"), 
    "LoginInfoId" : NumberInt(410), 
    "EstablishmentName" : "xyz", 
    "ShopCategory" : "Crockery", 
    "likes" : NumberInt(21), 
    "ShopCats" : [ 1,5,3 ]

    "_id" : ObjectId("5993d55cebb06d20f088871ad"), 
    "LoginInfoId" : NumberInt(411), 
    "EstablishmentName" : "abc", 
    "ShopCategory" : "Crockery", 
    "likes" : NumberInt(51), 
    "ShopCats" : [ 1,8,9 ]

I need to index the field ShopCats into a solr field as comma separated value like this, 我需要将字段ShopCats索引为solr字段,像这样用逗号分隔,

"ShopCats" : [ 1,2,3 ] “ ShopCats”:[1,2,3]

I need to use these values to do filterquery in solr search 我需要使用这些值在solr搜索中执行filterquery

I have tried with some schema field definitions 我尝试了一些架构字段定义

<field name="ShopCats" type="commaDelimited" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true" />

<fieldType name="commaDelimited" class="solr.TextField">
        <tokenizer class="solr.PatternTokenizerFactory" pattern=",\s*" />

Still the MongoDb document field ShopCats is not indexing into solr . MongoDb文档字段ShopCats仍然没有索引到solr

I assume that you use a Mongo connector, if yes then Mongo connectors unwinds Arrays so the below 我假设您使用的是Mongo连接器,如果是,则Mongo连接器会展开数组,因此以下内容

"_id" : ObjectId("5993d55cebb06d20f08521ad"), 
"LoginInfoId" : NumberInt(410), 
"EstablishmentName" : "xyz", 
"ShopCategory" : "Crockery", 
"likes" : NumberInt(21), 
"ShopCats" : [ 1,5,3 ]

Will be changed to below before indexing 索引编制前将更改为以下内容

"_id" : ObjectId("5993d55cebb06d20f08521ad"), 
"LoginInfoId" : NumberInt(410), 
"EstablishmentName" : "xyz", 
"ShopCategory" : "Crockery", 
"likes" : NumberInt(21), 
"ShopCats.0" : 1,
"ShopCats.1" : 5,
"ShopCats.2" : 3

This will happen whenever there is a sub document, and Solr doesn't have he "sub-document" support/ You might be able to get around this with the copyField directive in your schema.xml. 只要有子文档,而Solr没有“子文档”支持,就会发生这种情况。您可能可以在schema.xml中使用copyField指令解决此问题。

I hope this helps. 我希望这有帮助。

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