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使用googleway R进行批量地理编码

[英]Batch Geocoding with googleway R

I'm having trouble using the google_geocode function in the googleway package to batch geocode. 我在使用googleway软件包中的google_geocode函数来批处理地理编码时遇到了麻烦。 I'd like to input a data frame of addresses and have the latitude and longitude coordinates returned for each. 我想输入一个地址数据框,并为每个地址返回纬度和经度坐标。 The number of addresses is far beyond Google's 2,500 daily query limit, so the solution needs to use an API key to allow the purchase of more queries. 地址数量远远超出了Google的每日2500个查询限制,因此该解决方案需要使用API​​密钥来允许购买更多查询。

## Your Google API key
key<-"<insert key here>"
###  Make Data Frame with two observations
Dt<-as.data.frame(matrix(c(" 4605 Langdon ST , Fernley , NV , 89408", -119.2026,
          " 350 Quivera LN , Sparks , NV , 89441", NA), ncol=2)) 
###Change Column Names
colnames(Dt)<-c("address", "longitude")

### Make address column character

### Make data frame with one observation

### geocode one observation with googleway  This Works!!
google_geocode(address = dt[,"address"],
           key = key)  

### batch geocode 
res <- apply(Dt, 1, function(Dt){

              key = key)

##  Error in Dt[, "address"] : incorrect number of dimensions

The way you've constructed your data.frame seems a bit convoluted, so I'm re-doing it here 您构造data.frame的方式似乎有些复杂,所以我在这里重新做

dt <- data.frame(address = c("4605 Langdon St, Fernley, NV, 89408", 
                             "350 Quivera Ln, Sparks, NV, 89441"),
                 stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

Then you can use an *apply method to geocode each one 然后,您可以使用*apply方法对每个地址进行地理编码


key <- 'api_key'

res <- apply(dt, 1, function(x){
  google_geocode(address = x[['address']],
                 key = key)

# List of 2
# $ :List of 2
# ..$ results:'data.frame': 1 obs. of  5 variables:
#   .. ..$ address_components:List of 1
# .. .. ..$ :'data.frame':  8 obs. of  3 variables:
#   .. .. .. ..$ long_name : chr [1:8] "4605" "Langdon Street" "Fernley" "Lyon County" ...
# .. .. .. ..$ short_name: chr [1:8] "4605" "Langdon St" "Fernley" "Lyon County" ...
# .. .. .. ..$ types     :List of 8
# .. .. .. .. ..$ : chr "street_number"
# .. .. .. .. ..$ : chr "route"
# ... etc

You can then extract the coordinates for each result and do whatever you want with it... 然后,您可以提取每个结果的坐标,并对其进行任何处理...

coords <- lapply(res, function(x){

coords <- lapply(seq_along(res), function(x){
  coords <- res[[x]]$results$geometry$location
  address <- dt[x, 'address']
  res_df <- data.frame(lat = coords[, 'lat'],
                       lon = coords[, 'lng'], 
                       address = address

df_coords <- do.call(rbind, coords)
#        lat       lon                             address
# 1 39.59275 -119.2026 4605 Langdon St, Fernley, NV, 89408
# 2 39.68911 -119.6345   350 Quivera Ln, Sparks, NV, 89441

mapKey <- symbolix.utils::mapKey()

google_map(key = mapKey) %>%
  add_markers(data = df_coords, lat = "lat", lon = "lon", info_window = "address")


Notes: 笔记:

If you wanted to be 'sure' that the coordinates lined up with the input addresses, you should construct your results inside the *apply that does the geocoding. 如果您想“确保”坐标与输入地址对齐,则应在进行地理编码的*apply内部构造结果。

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