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[英]PHP Redirection Not Working After Cookie is Set

How to fix “Headers already sent” error in PHP does not solve the issue because I'm not getting any headers set error. 由于我没有收到任何标头设置错误,因此如何解决PHP中的“标头已发送”错误无法解决该问题。 The cookie is being set, the problem is the link going to main page ('/'). 正在设置cookie,问题是链接转到主页('/')。 It does not seem to go to the main page anymore and even on the trace logs, I do not see entries that spash.php is being reloaded. 它似乎不再进入主页,甚至在跟踪日志上也看不到,我看不到正在重新加载spash.php的条目。 Its almost like after redirection from index.php (when typing http://domain ), the browser/server recognizes http://domain/splash.php as the main page. 它几乎就像从index.php重定向后(输入http:// domain时 )一样,浏览器/服务器将http://domain/splash.php识别为主页。

  • PHP Version: 7.0.22 PHP版本:7.0.22
  • Apache Version: 2.4.27 Apache版本:2.4.27
  • OS: linux 操作系统:Linux

I have 2 pages, index.php and spash.php. 我有2页,index.php和spash.php。 index.page checks first for authenticated cookie. index.page首先检查经过身份验证的cookie。 If false or not found, page redirects to splash.php spash.php then sets the authenticated cookie and have anchor tag with "/" href value. 如果为false或未找到,则页面重定向到splash.php spash.php,然后设置经过身份验证的cookie并使用带有“ /” href值的锚标记。 But after clicking the link button, the page only reloads spash.php. 但是单击链接按钮后,该页面仅重新加载spash.php。

I added trace error_logs on the 2 pages, from the logs, I can see that on first load, it passes through the index.php page, then loads the spash.php page but after that even after multiple clicks on the link button, no logs that accesses the index.php page anymore. 我在日志的2页上添加了跟踪error_logs,从日志中可以看到,第一次加载时,它会通过index.php页,然后加载spash.php页,但是即使在多次单击链接按钮之后,也不会不再访问index.php页面的日志。

here is my code: 这是我的代码:

index.php 的index.php

<?php if(!isset($_COOKIE['authenticated'])){
    error_log("This is Index, Redirect to Splash Page");
    header("Location: /splash.php" );
    echo "meron";
        <title>Index Page</title>
        <?php var_dump($_COOKIE); ?>

splash.php splash.php

<?php setcookie('authenticated', 1, 0, '/');
    error_log("This is Splash, set the cookie");
        <title>Splash Page</title>
        <a href="/">GO!</a>        

NOTE: 注意:

  1. After loading the splash page, if i type [domain]/index.php, I get to see the main page. 加载启动页面后,如果键入[domain] /index.php,则可以看到主页。

  2. This issue only happens on the host, tried the code locally, everything works 此问题仅在主机上发生,在本地尝试过代码,一切正常

  3. If I change the href of the link button from spash.php ( GO! ), it is working. 如果我从spash.php( GO! )更改链接按钮的href,则它可以正常工作。 But I need that value to be just the domain. 但是我需要该值才是领域。


OK I found an Indirect solution. 确定,我找到了间接解决方案。 Instead of handling the redirection from the server-side code (PHP) I used javascript and now its working. 我没有使用服务器端代码(PHP)的重定向功能,而是使用了javascript,现在可以正常工作了。

see updated code below: 请参阅下面的更新代码:

index.php 的index.php

    <title>Index Page</title>
        document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', onLoad());

        function onLoad(){
            if(getCookie('astig') == ''){
                window.location.href = "/splash.php";


        function getCookie(cname) {
            var name = cname + "=";
            var decodedCookie = decodeURIComponent(document.cookie);
            var ca = decodedCookie.split(';');
            for(var i = 0; i <ca.length; i++) {
                var c = ca[i];
                while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') {
                    c = c.substring(1);
                if (c.indexOf(name) == 0) {
                    return c.substring(name.length, c.length);
            return "";
    <?php var_dump($_COOKIE); ?>

spash.php spash.php

    <title>Splash Page</title>
        document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', onLoad());

        function onLoad(){
            document.cookie = "astig=true;0;path=/";


    <a href="http://laviel.rocks">GO!</a>        

Got the solution from the hosting provider's support. 在托管提供商的支持下获得了解决方案。 He disabled the mod expires caching. 他禁用了mod过期缓存。 So now I can have the redirection through pure server-side script. 现在,我可以通过纯服务器端脚本进行重定向了。

Just not sure what the overall effect of this option and which approach would be better. 只是不确定此选项的总体效果以及哪种方法会更好。

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