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[英]Set cookie not working after deleting previous cookie

I want to set a cookie if Username is entered and also want the previous cookie to get deleted. 如果要输入Username我想设置一个cookie,也希望删除以前的cookie。 I am able to unset the previous cookie but new cookie is not working for me. 我可以unset以前的cookie,但是新的cookie对我不起作用。 It showing blank. 它显示为空白。

        setcookie('username', $User_Name, time()+31536000);

        echo $_COOKIE['username']; // blank


Any help would be nice. 你能帮忙的话,我会很高兴。

In my opinion there is no need to unset the cookie. 我认为没有必要取消设置cookie。 Because, when you set the cookie it will override the existing cookie ( if it exists ) or create a new one ( if it doesn't exist ) 因为,当您设置cookie时,它将覆盖现有的cookie(如果存在)或创建一个新的cookie(如果不存在)。

From the PHP Docs .. 来自PHP文档 ..

Cookies will not become visible until the next loading of a page that the cookie should be visible for. 直到下一次加载该cookie的页面加载时,cookie才可见。 To test if a cookie was successfully set, check for the cookie on a next loading page before the cookie expires. 要测试cookie是否成功设置,请在cookie过期之前在下一个加载页面上检查cookie。

Found that if the path is empty it applies only to the current path, if you specify "/" applies to all paths. 发现如果路径为空,则仅适用于当前路径,如果指定“ /”,则适用于所有路径。

so / did the trick. 所以/做到了。

setcookie('username', $User_Name, time() + (86400 * 7), "/");

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