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[英]What is the best way to show an inherited object in wpf?

Lets say I have this: 可以说我有这个:

public class Result 
   public bool Success { get; set; }
   public string Description { get; set; }

Then I want to add another level, like this: 然后,我想添加另一个级别,如下所示:

public class AssertionFailedResult : Result
  public string Expected { get; set; }
  public string Actual { get; set; }

In WPF, how would I show the simple result one way and the assertion failed result another way? 在WPF中,我将如何以一种方式显示简单结果,而以另一种方式显示断言失败的结果? I'd like to basically make a template based on type. 我想基本上根据类型制作一个模板。

If you create a DataTemplate in a resource dictionary and set the DataType property, but don't set the x:Key property, the framework will associate the DataTemplate to objects based on the object's runtime type. 如果您在资源字典中创建DataTemplate并设置DataType属性,但未设置x:Key属性,则框架将根据对象的运行时类型将DataTemplate与对象相关联。 For better or worse, inheritance has no effect. 不论好坏,继承都没有作用。 In other words, even if you didn't have a template where the DataType was "AssertionFailedResult", the framework would not bind objects of type "AssertionFailedResult" to a template where the DataType was "Result". 换句话说,即使你没有一个模板,其中的数据类型是“AssertionFailedResult”,该框架将绑定类型“AssertionFailedResult”的对象模板在数据类型是“结果”。

EDIT: Sorry, I got it backwards. 编辑:对不起,我倒退了。 DataTemplates do have a "polymorphic" behavior. DataTemplates 确实具有“多态”行为。 Styles do not. 样式没有。 In any case, the frameworks should bind to the DataTemplate with the more specific DataType. 无论如何,框架都应使用更具体的DataType绑定到DataTemplate。

I took Daniel's answer and made an example out of it. 我接受了丹尼尔的回答,并举例说明了这一点。 I thought posting the code might be helpful: 我认为发布代码可能会有所帮助:

<Window x:Class="SampleWpfApplication.Window1"
        <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type SampleWpfApplication:Result}">
            <Label>Simple Result</Label>            
        <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type SampleWpfApplication:AssertionFailedResult}">
            <Label>Assertion Failed!</Label>
    <ContentControl x:Name="contentControl" Content="{Binding Path=Result}" />

Next, a model class that is the data context of the window: 接下来,一个模型类,它是窗口的数据上下文:

public class Model
    public Result Result { get; set; }

And in the MainWindow, I set the DataContext as follows: 在MainWindow中,我将DataContext设置如下:

DataContext = new Model()
                      Result = new AssertionFailedResult()
                                       Success = false,
                                       Description = "Assertion failed",
                                       Expected = "1",
                                       Actual = "1"

So with the DataTemplate, wpf knows how to render the control without any additional direction on my part. 因此,有了DataTemplate,wpf知道了如何呈现控件而不需要任何其他指导。 Thanks again, Daniel. 再次感谢,丹尼尔。

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