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[英]check if DSQuery was successful in PowerShell?

I'm trying to convert a batch script to PowerShell. 我正在尝试将批处理脚本转换为PowerShell。 I encountered this piece of code, can anyone tell me how to convert this to PowerShell? 我遇到了这段代码,谁能告诉我如何将其转换为PowerShell?

dsquery ou -domain "$SysDomain" -name "$FuncOU,$DestOU" || (echo OU was not found & Goto :eof)

I want to do somnething like: 我想像这样做某事:

$dsq = dsquery ou -domain "$SysDomain" -name "$FuncOU,$DestOU"
if ($dsq.HasSucceeded -eq $true) {
    echo "OU was not found"

dsquery doesn't return an exit code, so I doubt that your batch command could ever have worked. dsquery不会返回退出代码,因此我怀疑您的批处理命令是否可以正常工作。 Also, the command produces string output, not a process or job object, so there's no HasSucceeded property to check. 另外,该命令产生字符串输出,而不是进程或作业对象,因此没有要检查的HasSucceeded属性。

What you can do is check the output of the command that is collected in the variable $dsq . 您可以做的是检查变量$dsq收集的命令输出。 If the variable is empty, the command did not find a OU. 如果变量为空,则该命令找不到OU。 PowerShell automatically interprets $null values as $false , so something like this should work: PowerShell会自动将$null值解释为$false ,因此这样的方法应该起作用:

$dsq = & dsquery ou ...
if (-not $dsq) {
    echo 'OU was not found.'
    exit 1

Side note: I recommend using the call operator ( & ) for running external commands, and returning an actual exit code when using the exit statement. 旁注:我建议使用调用运算符( & )来运行外部命令,并在使用exit语句时返回实际的退出代码。

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