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[英]How can I sort and display groups when using dsquery in powershell?

I am using this line of code in powershell and it works but it displays too much. 我在powershell中使用这一行代码,它可以工作,但显示太多。 I am trying to find and display where the group that contains "Avecto" in the name. 我正在尝试查找并显示名称中包含“ Avecto”的组的位置。

dsquery user -samid MyUSerName| dsget user -memberof | dsget group -samid

Is there anyway to add that on this script statement? 无论如何,要在此脚本语句上添加它吗?

Use the where keyword in PS (shorthanded here as ? ) 在PS中使用where关键字(此处缩写为?

dsquery user -samid MyUSerName| dsget user -memberof | dsget group -samid | ? {$_ -match 'avecto'}

So it would read where each item in the pipeline matches the string 'Avecto' 因此它将读取管道中每个项目与字符串“ Avecto”匹配的位置

You could store the data into a variable and manipulate further, as just a simple Object array will be returned if more than one result, otherwise in a single result it will just be a string 您可以将数据存储到变量中并进行进一步操作,因为如果有多个结果,则仅返回一个简单的Object数组;否则,在单个结果中,它将只是一个字符串

Hope that helps 希望能有所帮助

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