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[英]How to implement multiprocessing in this Python script?

I'm running this Python 3.5 script with Jupyter in my laptop, but the loop is very slow, so I start reading about how to speed up the code and I found that I can import a multiprocessing library to do this, but I don't know how to implement this in the script. 我在笔记本电脑中使用Jupyter运行此Python 3.5脚本,但是循环非常慢,因此我开始阅读有关如何加快代码速度的发现,我发现可以导入多处理库来执行此操作,但是我没有这样做不知道如何在脚本中实现这一点。

# Larger LSTM Network to Generate Text for Alice in Wonderland
import numpy
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense
from keras.layers import Dropout
from keras.layers import LSTM
from keras.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint
from keras.utils import np_utils
# load ascii text and covert to lowercase
filename = "wonderland.txt"
raw_text = open(filename).read()
raw_text = raw_text.lower()
# create mapping of unique chars to integers
chars = sorted(list(set(raw_text)))
char_to_int = dict((c, i) for i, c in enumerate(chars))
# summarize the loaded data
n_chars = len(raw_text)
n_vocab = len(chars)
print ("Total Characters: ", n_chars)
print ("Total Vocab: ", n_vocab)
# prepare the dataset of input to output pairs encoded as integers
seq_length = 100
dataX = []
dataY = []
for i in range(0, n_chars - seq_length, 1):
    seq_in = raw_text[i:i + seq_length]
    seq_out = raw_text[i + seq_length]
    dataX.append([char_to_int[char] for char in seq_in])
n_patterns = len(dataX)
print ("Total Patterns: ", n_patterns)
# reshape X to be [samples, time steps, features]
X = numpy.reshape(dataX, (n_patterns, seq_length, 1))
# normalize
X = X / float(n_vocab)
# one hot encode the output variable
y = np_utils.to_categorical(dataY)
# define the LSTM model
model = Sequential()
model.add(LSTM(256, input_shape=(X.shape[1], X.shape[2]), return_sequences=True))
model.add(Dense(y.shape[1], activation='softmax'))
model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='adam')
# define the checkpoint
checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint(filepath, monitor='loss', verbose=1, save_best_only=True, mode='min')
callbacks_list = [checkpoint]
# fit the model
model.fit(X, y, epochs=50, batch_size=64, callbacks=callbacks_list)

The script came from this tutorial . 脚本来自本教程

The multiprocessing library helps in general for python scripts but in this case it is not so helpful as most of the logic is buried in the implementation of keras and its backends. 多重处理库通常对python脚本有所帮助,但是在这种情况下,它并不是那么有用,因为大多数逻辑都埋在keras及其后端的实现中。 10 minutes for an epoch actually sounds reasonable for a neural network (these things are costly to run!), especially if you're running it without a GPU. 对于神经网络来说,一个纪元10分钟实际上听起来是合理的(运行这些东西的成本很高!),特别是如果您在没有GPU的情况下运行它。

If you're using Tensorflow as a backend to Keras, all CPUs should automatically be used when executing model.fit(). 如果您将Tensorflow用作Keras的后端,则在执行model.fit()时应自动使用所有CPU。 You can double check this by looking at your favorite cpu monitor (eg htop) when you execute your code. 您可以在执行代码时通过查看自己喜欢的cpu监视器(例如htop)来再次检查。

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