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[英]where is MIB for speed fan?

I'm learning SNMP and applying it for hobby. 我正在学习SNMP并将其用于业余爱好。 So I was going to use speed fan to monitor my pc's temp. 所以我打算用风扇监控电脑的温度。 well, install was done successfully and it shows temps very well. 好,安装成功完成,并且显示的温度很好。 And for SNMP, I installed sfsnmp. 对于SNMP,我安装了sfsnmp。

Now.. Problem is .. 现在..问题是..

Where is MIB for speed fan(sfsnmp)? 高速风扇(sfsnmp)的MIB在哪里?

everybody said that it's OID is . 大家都说它的OID是1. But my SNMPB viewer cannot show it. 但是我的SNMPB查看器无法显示它。

在此处输入图片说明 What should I do? 我该怎么办? guys? 伙计们?

First of the "folder" 首先是“文件夹”。 is the enterprise section of the MIB structure you wont find specific values here, what you will find here are more folders and in these folders you will find the specific value you are searching for. 是MIB结构的企业部分,您在这里找不到特定的值,在这里您会找到更多文件夹,在这些文件夹中,您会找到要搜索的特定值。

In your case 30503 is the OID number of your folder which you cant see because you dont have the MIB file for this. 在您的情况下30503是您看不到的文件夹的OID号,因为您没有为此的MIB文件。

http://www.alvestrand.no/objectid/ http://www.alvestrand.no/objectid/

If you look in this link you will find that 30503 corresponds to this http://www.alvestrand.no/objectid/ which is: 如果您查看此链接,则会发现30503与此http://www.alvestrand.no/objectid/相对应,即:

Used for various utilities from Bastart Code (http://code.bastart.eu.org/) e.g. the SpeedFan SNMP Extension

Sadly the URL shows a dead page, but you can probably find a mibfile with this name to use. 遗憾的是,URL显示了一个死页,但是您可能会找到一个使用此名称的mibfile。

Other options you have avaliable to you is to just run a walk with this OID on your motherboard, you will probably get a LOT of data back but you might find out fanspeed values somewhere if you compare the numbers while chaning the fanspeed in another program. 您还可以使用的其他选择是,在主板上使用此OID进行散步,您可能会获得很多数据,但如果在更改另一个程序中的风扇速度时比较这些数字,则可能会在某处找到风扇速度值。

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