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[英]UITabBarControllerDelegate's method is not called

I create programmatically a UITabBarController with more than 5 tabs (exactly 8 child view controllers). 我以编程方式创建了具有5个以上选项卡的UITabBarController(恰好是8个子视图控制器)。

My purpose is custom transition animation for tab changing. 我的目的是为切换标签而定制的过渡动画。 I setup a delegate for the UITabbarController and implement the method: 我为UITabbarController设置了一个委托并实现了该方法:

- (nullable id <UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning>)tabBarController:(UITabBarController *)tabBarController
            animationControllerForTransitionFromViewController:(UIViewController *)fromVC
                                              toViewController:(UIViewController *)toVC  

When I select a tab by sending: 通过发送选择标签时:

[tabbarController setSelectedIndex: 6];

delegate's method is not called. 未调用委托的方法。

Delegate's method is called properly when I send 发送时代表的方法被正确调用

[tabbarController setSelectedIndex: 3]; 

for example, ie for a visible tab. 例如,对于可见标签。

One more remark: if currently selected view controller is in visible range 0..3 and next view is out of the visible range 0..3 delegate's method is still called. 再说一遍:如果当前选择的视图控制器在可见范围0..3内,而下一个视图不在可见范围0..3内,则仍然调用委托的方法。 In case when currently selected view controller is out of the visible range 0..3 and next view is out of the visible range 0..3 too delegate's method is not called. 如果当前选择的视图控制器超出可见范围0..3而下一个视图超出可见范围0..3,则也不会调用委托的方法。 And I lose my custom transition animation. 而且我丢失了自定义过渡动画。 This is my problem. 这是我的问题。

I also tried to send 我也尝试发送

[tabbarController setSelectedViewController: someViewController];

instead of 代替

[tabbarController setSelectedIndex: 6];

It doesn't work. 没用

You have too many tabs to use selectedIndex , as your other tabs are probably in the moreNavigationController even if the moreNavigationController is not displayed on the screen - meaning they should return NSNotFound when using selectedIndex . 您有太多选项卡无法使用selectedIndex ,因为其他选项卡也可能位于moreNavigationController即使在屏幕上未显示moreNavigationController ,这也意味着它们在使用selectedIndex时应返回NSNotFound

You should use selectedViewController instead, per iOS Docs 根据iOS文档 ,您应该改用selectedViewController

[tabbarController setSelectedViewController: yourIndexSixViewController];

I made tricky solution. 我提出了棘手的解决方案。

I collect all 8 view controllers in separated array. 我将所有8个视图控制器收集在单独的数组中。 Call it controllers . 称之为控制器

At start I fill tabbarController.viewcontrollers with first 5 items of controllers . 开始时,我用前五项控制器填充tabbarController.viewcontrollers Further there are 2 scenarios: 此外,有两种情况:

  1. User wants to see a tab with index within range 0..4 . 用户希望查看索引 范围为0..4的选项卡。 There is nothing to do because we already set appropriate viewcontrollers into tabbarController.viewcontrollers . 不需要做任何事情,因为我们已经在tabbarController.viewcontrollers中设置了适当的viewcontrollers。
  2. User wants to see a tab with index out of the range 0..4 . 用户希望查看索引 范围超出0..4的选项卡。 User wants to see the tab with index 6, for example. 例如,用户希望看到带有索引6的选项卡。 And currently selected tab has index 2, for example. 例如,当前选择的选项卡具有索引2。 In this case I select a number in range 0..4 which is unequal to currently selected tab index. 在这种情况下,我选择范围为0..4的数字,该数字与当前选择的选项卡索引不相等。 For example 4. Further I replace tabbarController.viewcontrollers[4] with controllers[6] . 例如4.再进一步将tabbarController.viewcontrollers [4]替换为controllers [6] After that I call 之后我打电话

      [tabbarController setSelectedIndex: 4]; 

As result I see controllers[6] and delegate's method is called properly. 结果,我看到controllers [6]和委托的方法被正确调用。

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