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[英]How to serialize object with interface typed array property?

I have an some XML that I wish to serialize and deserialize using the XmlSerializer . 我有一些XML,希望使用XmlSerializer进行序列化和反序列化。 I wish to be able to possibly use other serial formats in the future, such as JSON, YAML, etc, so my resulting classes from deserialization should share the same interface. 我希望将来能够使用其他串行格式,例如JSON,YAML等,因此我从反序列化中得到的类应该共享相同的接口。

However, my interface contains an array of objects that also use an interface: 但是,我的接口包含一个也使用接口的对象数组:

public interface IConfiguration
    ICommand[] Commands { get; set; }

public Interface ICommand
    // Command properties

public XmlConfiguration : IConfiguration
    ICommand[] Commands { get; set; }

public XmlCommand : ICommand
    // Command properties

How will the XML deserialize operation know to use the XmlCommand concrete type when creating the XmlConfiguration object? 创建XmlConfiguration对象时,XML反序列化操作如何知道使用XmlCommand具体类型?

Thinking as I type... 我打字时在想...

I guess I could add a constructor to the XmlConfiguration class to assign an empty array of the concrete type, but I am not sure if this would work as intended? 我想我可以在XmlConfiguration类中添加一个构造函数来分配一个具体类型的空数组,但是我不确定这是否可以按预期工作?

class XmlConfiguration : IConfiguration
    public XmlConfiguration()
        Commands = new XmlCommand[] { };

Update: I realize there is the XmlArrayItemAttribute attribute available, unsure if it will work for interfaces though: 更新:我知道有XmlArrayItemAttribute属性可用,但是不确定它是否适用于接口:

class XmlConfiguration : IConfiguration
    public ICommand[] Commands { get; set; }

Update: I can probably also do: 更新:我可能也可以:

class XmlConfiguration : IConfiguration
    public ICommand[] Command
        get => CommandsConcrete;
        set => CommandsConcrete = (XmlCommand[])value;

    [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute(ElementName = "Commands")]
    public XmlCommand[] CommandsConcrete { get; set; }

To serialize interface property one easy possibility is to use another property. 要序列化接口属性,一种简单的可能性是使用另一个属性。 You still need to use [XmlInclude] for serializer to know all types what may occurs: 您仍然需要使用[XmlInclude]进行序列化以了解所有类型可能会发生的情况:

public interface ICommand
    string Text { get; set; }

public class CommandA : ICommand
    public string Text { get; set; }

public class CommandB : ICommand
    public string Text { get; set; }

public class Settings
    public ICommand[] Commands { get; set; }

    public object[] CommandsSerialize
        get { return Commands; }
        set { Commands = value.Cast<ICommand>().ToArray(); }

Upon serialization this will produce 序列化后将产生

    <anyType xsi:type="CommandA">
    <anyType xsi:type="CommandB">

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