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[英]How can I extract variables from a R expression to be evaluated in data.frame context

I have expressions in character that are supposed to be evaluated in a data.table (not important just context). 我有一些character表达式,应该在data.table评估(不重要,只是上下文)。 To make sure all the required columns are present I would like to extract the said columns within the R expression. 为了确保所有必需的列都存在,我想在R表达式中提取所述列。

What I want: 我想要的是:

DT <- data.table(p001=rnorm(10),p002=rnorm(10),p003=rnorm(10))
expr <- 'p001+mean(p001,na.rm=TRUE)-weighted.mean(p002,w=p003)+someRandomOtherColumn'

# DT[,test:=p001+mean(p001,na.rm=TRUE)-weighted.mean(p002,w=p003)+someRandomOtherColumn]
# would fail as p004 is not in the columns

Basically I am looking for a way (probably a regex) that would extract from expr p001,p002,p003,someRandomOtherColumn . 基本上,我正在寻找一种将从expr p001,p002,p003,someRandomOtherColumn提取的方法(可能是正则表达式)。

My view on it: The way I see it I should be able to capture p001,p001,TRUE,p002,p003,someRandomOtherColumn with some regex that would capture things within f(,) and then filter for 'allowed' column names ( TRUE is not in that case). 我对此的看法:我的看法是,我应该能够使用一些正则表达式捕获p001,p001,TRUE,p002,p003,someRandomOtherColumn ,这些正则表达式将捕获f(,) ,然后过滤“允许的”列名( TRUE不在那种情况下)。

Nested f(,,) are not an issue as I can call the same function recursively and nested f(,(),) are also fine. 嵌套的f(,,)并不是问题,因为我可以递归调用同一函数,嵌套的f(,(),)也很好。

What I have: From now this is what I have, this can be made to work but this feels bad 我所拥有的:从现在开始这就是我所拥有的,可以使它正常工作,但是感觉很糟糕

expr <- 'p001+mean(p001,na.rm=TRUE)-weighted.mean(p002,w=p003)+someRandomOtherColumn'
clean <- function(string) gsub(string, pattern='[_|\\.|a-zA-z]+\\(([^)]*)\\)', replacement='\\1', perl=TRUE)
[1] "p001+p001,na.rm=TRUE-p002,w=p003+someRandomOtherColumn"
# Then I can remove =* than split on ,|+|-|*

When you add a ~ to your expression, you can create a valid R formula expression: 在表达式中添加~ ,可以创建一个有效的R公式表达式:

expr <- '~ p001+mean(p001,na.rm=TRUE)-weighted.mean(p002,w=p003)+someRandomOtherColumn'

This string can be converted to a formula with as.formula . 该字符串可以使用as.formula转换为公式。 Afterwards, the variable names can be extracted with all.vars : 之后,可以使用all.vars提取变量名称:

# [1] "p001"             "p002"             "p003"             "someRandomOtherColumn"

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