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[英]How to separate outputs of one-line multiple commands?

I have installed some GNU packages on my macOS Sierra, which include bash , coreutils , which , etc. Now I can use which -a bash | xargs -I % echo % "--version" | sh 我已经在macOS Sierra上安装了一些GNU软件包,其中包括bashcoreutilswhich等。现在,我可以使用which -a bash | xargs -I % echo % "--version" | sh which -a bash | xargs -I % echo % "--version" | sh which -a bash | xargs -I % echo % "--version" | sh to check all version info of bash , but there is no separation between two version info: which -a bash | xargs -I % echo % "--version" | sh检查bash所有版本信息,但是两个版本信息之间没有分隔:

$ which -a bash | xargs -I % echo % "--version" | sh
GNU bash, version 4.4.12(1)-release (x86_64-apple-darwin16.3.0)
Copyright (C) 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>

This is free software; you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
# There should be one or more blank lines as separation.
GNU bash, version 3.2.57(1)-release (x86_64-apple-darwin16)
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

I tried ... echo -e % "--version\\n" ... , but it can't work. 我试过了... echo -e % "--version\\n" ... ,但是它不起作用。 Please help me, thanks. 请帮助我,谢谢。

For a bit more control of the output, use a loop: 要对输出进行更多控制,请使用循环:

which -a bash |
while read cmd; do
    printf '%s\t----------\n' "$cmd"
    command "$cmd" --version

I'd write this as follows: 我会这样写:

IFS=: read -r -a path_entries <<<"$PATH"
find "${path_entries[@]}" -maxdepth 1 -name bash -type f -exec '{}' --version ';'

Note: 注意:

  • No use of which . 没有用的which This isn't a shell builtin in bash, so it gives you none of the benefits you'd get from type (ie. awareness of functions and aliases); 这不是bash内置的shell,因此它不会给您任何type带来的好处(即,对功能和别名的了解)。 and because its output is line-oriented, it can't unambiguously emit all possible filenames (such as those containing newlines -- which, yes, are valid). 并且由于其输出是面向行的,因此它不能明确地发出所有可能的文件名(例如包含换行符的文件名,是的,这有效的)。
  • No reliance on line-oriented content, generally. 通常,不依赖于面向行的内容。 When the placeholder ( {} ) is passed as a single token, find -exec substitutes the exact filename returned for that token. 当占位符( {} )作为单个令牌传递时, find -exec替换该令牌返回的确切文件名。 Because the domain of possible argv values (all valid C strings, which is to say, no strings containing NULs) matches the domain of possible filenames on common systems, this avoids introducing potential bugs. 由于可能的argv值的域(所有有效的C字符串,也就是说,没有包含NUL的字符串)与常见系统上可能的文件名的域匹配,因此避免了引入潜在的错误。
  • No generating text and piping that to an interpreter. 没有生成文本并将其传递给解释器。 This is an extremely error-prone technique, inducing shell-injection vulnerabilities: Consider what would happen if a PATH contained /tmp/$(rm -rf ~) , and that directory contained a bash executable. 这是一种极易出错的技术,会引起外壳注入漏洞:考虑一下PATH包含/tmp/$(rm -rf ~)且该目录包含bash可执行文件的情况。

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