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[英]celery task routes not working as expected

I am practicing celery and I want to assign my task to a specific queue however it does not work as expected 我正在练习芹菜,我想将我的任务分配给一个特定的队列,但它不能按预期工作

My __init__.py 我的__init__.py

import os
import sys
from celery import Celery

CURRENT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))


app = Celery()

My celery_config.py 我的celery_config.py

amqp = 'amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672//'
broker_url = amqp
result_backend = amqp

task_routes = ([
    ('import_feed', {'queue': 'queue_import_feed'})

My tasks.py 我的tasks.py

from . import app

def import_feed():

How I run my worker: 我如何管理我的工人:

celery -A subscriber1.tasks worker -l info

My client's __init__.py : 我的客户的__init__.py

import os
import sys
from celery import Celery

CURRENT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))


app = Celery()

My client's celery_config.py : 我的客户的celery_config.py

from kombu.common import Broadcast

amqp = 'amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672//'

Then in my client's shell I tried: 然后在我的客户端shell中我试过:

from publisher import app
result = app.send_task('import_feed')

Then my worker got the task?! 然后我的工作人员完成了任务?! Which I expect should not because I assigned that to a specific queue. 我不希望这样,因为我将其分配给特定队列。 I tried in my client the command below and no task has been received by my worker which I expect to have received instead on the first one 我在我的客户端尝试了下面的命令,我的工作人员没有收到任何我希望收到的任务,而不是第一个

result = app.send_task('import_feed', queue='queue_import_feed')

Seems like I misunderstood something in the routing part. 好像我误解了路由部分中的某些内容。 But what I really want is import_feed task to run only if the queue_import_feed queue is specified when send a task 但我真正想要的是import_feed任务只有在发送任务时指定了queue_import_feed队列才能运行

You can change the default queue that the worker processes. 您可以更改工作进程处理的默认队列。

app.send_task('import_feed') sends the task to celery queue. app.send_task('import_feed')将任务发送到celery队列。

app.send_task('import_feed', queue='queue_import_feed') sends the task to queue_import_feed but your worker is only processing tasks in celery queue. app.send_task('import_feed', queue='queue_import_feed')将任务发送到queue_import_feed但您的工作人员只处理celery队列中的任务。

To process specific queues, use the -Q switch 要处理特定队列,请使用-Q开关

celery -A subscriber1.tasks worker -l info -Q 'queue_import_feed'

Edit 编辑

In order to place a restriction on send_task such that a worker reacts to import_feed task only when it's published with a queue, you need to override send_task on Celery and also provide a custom AMQP with a default_queue set to None . 为了将限制在send_task使得工人反应import_feed任务,只有当它与队列发布,你需要重写send_taskCelery ,也提供自定义AMQPdefault_queue设置为None

reactor.py reactor.py

from celery.app.amqp import AMQP
from celery import Celery

class MyCelery(Celery):
    def send_task(self, name=None, args=None, kwargs=None, **options):
        if 'queue' in options:
            return super(MyCelery, self).send_task(name, args, kwargs, **options)

class MyAMQP(AMQP):
    default_queue = None

celery_config.py celery_config.py

from kombu import Exchange, Queue


task_exchange = Exchange('default', type='direct')
task_create_missing_queues = False

task_queues = [
    Queue('feed_queue', task_exchange, routing_key='feeds'),

task_routes = {
    'import_feed': {'queue': 'feed_queue', 'routing_key': 'feeds'}

__init__.py __init__.py

celeree = MyCelery(amqp='reactor.MyAMQP')

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