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[英]How to pass empty array as argument in bash

I am trying to write a simple function in bash which takes 2 arguments, a string and an array. 我试图在bash中编写一个简单的函数,该函数需要2个参数,一个字符串和一个数组。

At the very beggining of the function I check for the number of arguments 在函数的开始阶段,我检查参数的数量

function is2args() {
    if [ $# -le 1 ]; then
        return 1

    return 0

I then attempt the following 然后我尝试以下

is2args "" "${arr[@]}" # returns 1

This triggers the if statement as bash for some reason thinks there is only one argument however if the list is an empty string it works 由于某种原因,这会将if语句触发为bash,因为它认为只有一个参数,但是如果列表为空字符串,则它可以工作

is2args "" "" # returns 0

or filled with elements 或充满元素

is2args "" "${arr[@]}" # returns 0

and default to an empty string 且默认为空字符串

is2args "" "${arr[@]:-""}" # returns 0

I don't quite understand what is going on. 我不太了解发生了什么。 It is my understanding this is the correct way to pass a list however it seems that an empty list is ignored for whatever reason. 据我了解,这是传递列表的正确方法,但是无论出于何种原因似乎都忽略了一个空列表。

Should I really be setting a default empty string every time I send through an array or is there a way to catch this in the function itself? 我真的应该在每次通过数组发送时都设置一个默认的空字符串,还是有办法在函数本身中捕获它呢?

This is expected. 这是预期的。 The "${arr[@]}" form expands to put each element of the array on the command line, and there are no elements in the array. "${arr[@]}"形式扩展为将数组的每个元素放在命令行上,并且数组中没有元素。

The "${arr[*]}" form will expand to one string consisting of the elements concatenated with a space (by default). "${arr[*]}"形式将扩展为一个字符串,该字符串由带空格的元素组成(默认情况下)。

You might try this to test the arguments passed: 您可以尝试通过以下方法测试传递的参数:

$ nargs () {
  local i=0 
  for arg do printf "%d\t>%s<\n" $((++i)) "$arg"; done

$ nargs foo "${arr[@]}"
1   >foo<
$ nargs foo "${arr[*]}"
1   >foo<
2   ><

$ arr=(1 2 3)
$ nargs foo "${arr[@]}"
1   >foo<
2   >1<
3   >2<
4   >3<
$ nargs foo "${arr[*]}"
1   >foo<
2   >1 2 3<

$ IFS=,
$ nargs foo "${arr[*]}"
1   >foo<
2   >1,2,3<

If you want to pass a fixed argument and an array, shift the first element off; 如果你想通过一个固定的参数和阵列, shift所述第一元件断开; what remains in "$@" is the contents of your array. 保留在"$@"是数组的内容。 If the array is empty, $@ will be empty too. 如果数组为空,则$@也将为空。 (If $# is 0 after the shift , that means your array's length was 0 -- or no array was passed; the two cases are precisely identical). (如果shift$#为0,则意味着您数组的长度为0 -或未传递任何数组;这两种情况完全相同)。

myfn() {
  local string_arg=$1; shift || { echo "ERROR: Initial argument missing" <&2; return 1; }
  local -a array_args=( "$@" )

  echo "Initial argument is: $string_arg"
  echo "Array has length ${#array_args[@]}"
  echo "Array elements:"
  printf ' - %q\n' "${array_args[@]}"

array=( "first array member" "second array member" )
myfn "first argument" "${array[@]}"

You might want to pass the name of the array (note that the below requires bash 4.3): 您可能要传递数组的名称 (请注意,以下要求使用bash 4.3):

myfunc() {
  local arg1=$1
  local -n array=$2
  printf "first arg: %q\n" "$arg1"
  echo array:
  declare -p array

myfunc "foo" arr

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