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[英]Simplify if-clauses when checking for range and setting default value

I have a function that converts a double value into the sbyte and returns its hex representation: 我有一个将double值转换为sbyte并返回其十六进制表示形式的函数:

string convertToSByte(double num, double factor)

    double _Value = num * factor;

    if (_Value > 127)
        _Value = 127;
    else if (_Value < -127)
        _Value = -127;

    return Convert.ToSByte(_Value).ToString("X2");

The calculated _Value is supposed to be within the range of [-127 ; 127] 计算出的_Value应该在[-127 ; 127]范围内[-127 ; 127] [-127 ; 127] if not then these values have to be set as default. [-127 ; 127]如果没有,则必须将这些值设置为默认值。

Question: How can these two if conditions and the setting of the default values be simplified? 问题:如何简化这两个条件和默认值的设置?

EDIT: 编辑:

I tried using the conditional operator ? 我尝试使用条件运算符? but actually it is not much simpler (even a little harder to read) and also not really less code 但实际上并没有那么简单(甚至更难阅读),也没有真正减少代码

ps. ps。 This question serves more of an educational purpose. 这个问题更多的是出于教育目的。 To find a different way to check for ranges of a variable 查找检查变量范围的另一种方法

You could use Min / Max 您可以使用Min / Max

string convertToSByte(double num, double factor)
    var value = Math.Min(127, Math.Max(-127.0, num * factor));
    return Convert.ToSByte(value).ToString("X2");

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