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[英]java string format, replace “”

I want to ask what the "%" + something + "" does in java? 我想问一下Java中"%" + something + ""作用是什么? And can't we just use "=" instead of replacing " " with "=" ? 我们不能只使用"="而不是将" "替换为"="吗?

bar = String.format("%" + percentage +"s", " ").replace(" ", "=")

Yes. 是。 It is possible to write directly like this. 可以像这样直接写。

bar = String.format("%" + percentage +"s", "=");

That depends a bit on what percentage is; 这多少取决于百分比。 if it is (as I assume) an int, your code just prints "=" to the screen "percentage" times 如果是(假设是)一个int,则您的代码仅在屏幕上“%”次打印“ =”

int percentage = 20;
System.out.println(String.format("%" + percentage +"s", " ").replace(" ", "="));
//prints ====================

If that is the intention, you can't just leave the replace part out - or more specifically: it won't give you the same result: 如果是这样,您就不能只保留替换零件-更具体地说:它不会给您相同的结果:

System.out.println(String.format("%" + percentage +"s", "="));
//prints                    =

Explanation: 说明:

The format("%" + percentage +"s", ...) brings the second parameter to the length you have given (in this case percentage). format("%" + percentage +"s", ...)将第二个参数带到您指定的长度(在本例中为百分比)。 If the length is shorter than the second parameter, it will add spaces on the left until the desired length is reached. 如果长度小于第二个参数,它将在左侧添加空格,直到达到所需的长度。

The first version uses that as a "trick" and replaces the spaces generated afterwards with a "=". 第一个版本将其用作“技巧”,然后用“ =”替换之后生成的空格。

The second version just says: take this "=" and add spaces on the left until it has reached the desired length. 第二个版本只是说:用这个“ =”并在左边添加空格,直到达到所需的长度为止。

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