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Scala Spark数据框-每行的总和为Array [Double]

[英]Scala Spark Dataframe - Sum for each row the content of Array[Double]

This is my basic Dataframe: 这是我的基本数据框:

root |-- user_id: string (nullable = true) 
     |-- review_id: string (nullable = true) 
     |-- review_influence: double (nullable = false)

The goal is to have the sum of review_influence for each user_id. 目标是获得每个user_id的review_influence之和。 So I tried to aggregate the data and sum it up like this: 所以我试图汇总数据并总结如下:

val review_influence_listDF = review_with_influenceDF
.agg(collect_list("review_id") as("list_review_id"), collect_list("review_influence") as ("list_review_influence"))

But I have this error: 但是我有这个错误:

org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: cannot resolve 'sum(`list_review_influence`)' due to data type mismatch: function sum requires numeric types, not ArrayType(DoubleType,true);;

What can I do about it? 我该怎么办?

You can directly sum the column in the agg function: 您可以直接将agg函数中的列求和:


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