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如何在Package Manager控制台外部运行Entity Framework命令?

[英]How can I run Entity Framework commands outside Package Manager Console?

I'm familiar with using Entity Framework commands in Package Manager Console within Visual Studio eg 我熟悉在Visual Studio的Package Manager Console中使用Entity Framework命令,例如

Scaffold-DbContext "Server=Blah;Database=Blah;Trusted_Connection=True;" Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer

I'd like to do the same in an external PowerShell script as part of an automation routine. 我想在外部PowerShell脚本中执行相同的操作,作为自动化例程的一部分。 How would I go about importing Entity Framework tools for use outside of Visual Studio? 我将如何导入实体框架工具以在Visual Studio之外使用?

I suggest you check out this resource as an introduction into using EF Core with existing databases: 我建议您检查一下此资源,作为将EF Core与现有数据库一起使用的介绍:

http://www.learnentityframeworkcore.com/walkthroughs/existing-database http://www.learnentityframeworkcore.com/walkthroughs/existing-database

You can find an example in the middle for using the command line: 您可以在中间找到使用命令行的示例:

 dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold "Server=.\;Database=AdventureWorksLT2012;Trusted_Connection=True;" Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -o Model

Regarding the -o option: 关于-o选项:

The -o option (or alternatively --output-dir) specifies the directory where the class files will be generated. -o选项(或--output-dir)指定将在其中生成类文件的目录。 If it is omitted, the class files will be generated in the project directory (where the .csproj file is located). 如果省略,将在项目目录(.csproj文件所在的位置)中生成类文件。

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