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有没有办法在 Visual Studio 中为 Package 管理器控制台存储命令列表

[英]Is there a way to store a list of commands in Visual Studio for Package Manager Console

We're switching from a classic Desktop application project, where everything fitted nicely within Visual Studio, to an Angular Web Project, where everything seems to be scattered over different environments all over the place.我们正在从一个经典的桌面应用程序项目切换到一个 Angular Web 项目,其中所有东西似乎都分散在不同的环境中。

One of the changes is nuget packages, which makes me feel like we're back in the 80's, where everything needs to be done with commands in Command Prompt, instead of just using buttons and menus.其中一项更改是 nuget 软件包,这让我觉得我们回到了 80 年代,一切都需要使用命令提示符中的命令完成,而不仅仅是使用按钮和菜单。 I find this slightly annoying, as now you have to remember a long list of commands where previously you could just remember a button's location.我觉得这有点烦人,因为现在您必须记住一长串命令,而以前您只能记住按钮的位置。

Is there a place where you can store a list of commands that you can browse in your Package Manager Console?是否有一个地方可以存储可以在 Package 管理器控制台中浏览的命令列表? For instance, if I forget the command that script my model into SQL Scripts, I can just browse the list, instead of looking for the email where a colleague told me what it was?例如,如果我忘记了将我的 model 脚本写入 SQL 脚本的命令,我可以只浏览列表,而不是查找 email,同事告诉我它在哪里?

The Package Manager Console is a PowerShell session, so you could create a PowerShell script Module with everything in it. Package 管理器控制台是 PowerShell session,因此您可以创建一个包含所有内容的 Z3D265B4E1EEEF30DDF17881FA0 脚本模块。

And even load from your profile (for package manager specific use file: run $profile.CurrentUserCurrentHost in the console to get the path).甚至从您的配置文件中加载(对于 package 管理器特定使用文件:在控制台中运行$profile.CurrentUserCurrentHost以获取路径)。

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