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[英]Scala generic wildcard and specific type

I have the mappings value: 我有mappings值:

val mappings: Map[Class[_] ,Iterable[AttributeKeyAndValue] => AnyRef]

is it possible to make it more typesafe like 是否有可能使其更加类型安全

val mappings: Map[Class[T], Iterable[AttributeKeyAndValue] => T]

where T plays the same role as underscore. 其中T与下划线相同。 I'd expect compiler to complain, if it meets this code: 如果它符合以下代码,我希望编译器会抱怨:

val mappings: Map[Class[T], Iterable[AttributeKeyAndValue] => T] = Map(
  classOf[String], attrs => 1)

You can't parametrize val s so no, not like that. 您不能参数化val所以不能,不是那样。

Looking at your request, it doesn't make much sense. 看着你的要求,没有多大意义。 Lets say that this: val mappings: Map[Class[T], Iterable[AttributeKeyAndValue] => T] was valid and the compiler would complain. 可以这样说: val mappings: Map[Class[T], Iterable[AttributeKeyAndValue] => T]是有效的,编译器会抱怨。

You would either parametrize all the entries in the map with the same type, ie. 您可以参数化映射中具有相同类型的所有条目,即。 T or have each entry with it's own parametrized type making it impossible to know which type it is when retrieving the entries with the apply or get methods. T或每个条目都有其自己的参数化类型,从而在使用applyget方法检索条目时无法知道它是哪种类型。

I suggest you stick with the Class[_] because the only way to parametrize this is to force all the entries to have the same type. 我建议您坚持使用Class[_]因为对此进行参数化的唯一方法是强制所有条目具有相同的类型。 For example if you were able to parametrize it in Map[Class[String], ...] then you would only be able to put 1 entry in the map, the one where the key is classOf[String] 例如,如果您可以在Map[Class[String], ...]对其进行参数化Map[Class[String], ...]那么您将只能在地图中放置1个条目,其中键为classOf[String]那个条目

Wildcards in Scala are just a specific simple case of existential types, and what you want would be a more complex one because you want to use the same T in two places. Scala中的通配符只是存在类型的一种特定的简单情况,而您想要的则更复杂,因为您想在两个地方使用相同的T Something like Seq[(Class[T], AttributeKeyAndValue => T) forSome { type T }] . Seq[(Class[T], AttributeKeyAndValue => T) forSome { type T }] But note where you need to put forSome : there is no equivalent place if you want Map ! 但是请注意您需要放置forSome :如果想要Map ,就没有等效的位置! Eg Map[Class[T], AttributeKeyAndValue => T] forSome { type T } would mean there is a single T for the entire map. 例如Map[Class[T], AttributeKeyAndValue => T] forSome { type T }表示整个地图只有一个T

What I'd suggest is creating a type which presents a more type-safe interface, even if you need casts inside: 我建议创建一个呈现更类型安全的接口的类型,即使您需要在内部进行强制转换:

class Mappings private (contents: Map[Class[_], Iterable[AttributeKeyAndValue] => AnyRef]) {
  def get[T](clazz: Class[T]) = contents.get(clazz).asInstanceOf[Option[Iterable[AttributeKeyAndValue] => T]]

  def +[T](clazz: Class[T], value: Iterable[AttributeKeyAndValue] => T) = new Mappings(contents + (clazz, value))

  // any other methods you want

object Mappings {
  val empty = new Mappings(Map.empty)

// elsewhere
Mappings.empty + (classOf[String], attrs => "a") // type-checks
Mappings.empty + (classOf[String], attrs => 1) // doesn't type-check

You can actually improve the API to avoid manually passing classes, so you just write get[String] and +(attrs => 1) automatically infers it needs classOf[Int] , but I decided to show the simple idea here. 实际上,您可以改进API以避免手动传递类,因此您只需编写get[String]+(attrs => 1)自动推断出它需要classOf[Int] ,但是我决定在这里展示一个简单的想法。

Well, compiler does not know what is T in example you've provided. 好了,编译器不知道您提供的示例中的T是什么。 So, as an option you can defined mappings function parametrised by T : 因此,作为一种选择,您可以定义由T参数化的mappings函数:

       def mappings[T](x: AttributeKeyAndValue => T): 
             Map[Class[T], AttributeKeyAndValue => T] = Map(classOf[T] -> x)

usage: 用法:

  val mappping = mappings(x => x.toString)

and the type that compiler will be able to infer is: 编译器可以推断的类型是:

  mappping : Map[Class[String], AttributeKeyAndValue => String]

Wrap it around into a case class? 将其包装成案例类吗?

  type Attrs = Iterable[AttributeKeyAndValue]

  case class Mappings[T](m: Map[Class[T], Attrs => T]

  object Mappings {
    implicit def mk[T](m: Map[Class[T], Attrs => T): Mappings[T] = Mappings(m)

  val mappings: Mappings[_] = Map(classOf[String] -> { (_:Attrs) => "foo" })  // Works

  val badMappings: Mappings[_] =  Map(classOf[String] -> { (_:Attrs) => 1 })  // Fails

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