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如何让React Native应用程序在iPad上正常运行?

[英]How do I get a React Native app to run properly on an iPad?

My React Native app was just rejected by Apple because 我的React Native应用程序刚被Apple拒绝,因为

We noticed that your app did not run at iPhone resolution when reviewed on iPad running iOS 10.3.3. 我们注意到,在运行iOS 10.3.3的iPad上进行评论时,您的应用无法以iPhone分辨率运行。 To resolve this issue, please revise your app to ensure it runs and displays properly at iPhone resolution on iPad. 要解决此问题,请修改您的应用以确保其运行并在iPad上以iPhone分辨率正确显示。 Even if your app was developed specifically for iPhone, users should still be able to use your app on iPad. 即使您的应用是专为iPhone开发的,用户仍然可以在iPad上使用您的应用。

They provided the following screenshot: 他们提供了以下截图:


Indeed, it does all look pretty squished, but I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. 事实上,它看起来都很眯眼,但我不确定我做错了什么。 This app was built using the Expo SDK. 这个应用程序是使用Expo SDK构建的。

Check if you have the following in your app.json . 检查app.json是否包含以下app.json Try and set the supportsTablet to true. 尝试将supportsTablet设置为true。

"ios": {
    "bundleIdentifier": "your bundle identifier",
    "supportsTablet": true

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