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我刚刚推出了 expo react 本机应用程序。 如何通过 xcode 运行应用程序?

[英]I've just ejected expo react native app. How do I run the app via xcode?

newbie here.新手在这里。 I've just ejected my expo app so I now have ios and android folders in my react native directory.我刚刚退出了我的 expo 应用程序,所以我现在在我的本机目录中有 ios 和 android 文件夹。 I have run the following snippet cd ios && pod install My question is, what next?我已经运行了以下代码片段cd ios && pod install我的问题是,接下来怎么办? I have this xcode windows but I have no idea what to do:我有这个 xcode 窗口,但我不知道该怎么做: 在此处输入图片说明

The steps I'm meant to follow are below, HOWEVER I don't even know how to open the project on xcode.我打算遵循的步骤如下,但是我什至不知道如何在 xcode 上打开项目。

- Go to "Capabilities"
- enable BackgroundMode.
- Checked into "Background fetch" && "Remote notifications"```

Can someone please guide me for getting started with xcode?

First of all download dependencies首先下载依赖

After Xcode → Preferences → Components → Install iOS simulator在 Xcode → 首选项 → 组件 → 安装 iOS 模拟器之后

And Run the project.并运行项目。


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