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.NET Core中的JWT授权-与OAuth服务器通信

[英]JWT Authorization in .net Core - communicate with OAuth server

I start building new application with JWT authorization. 我开始使用JWT授权构建新的应用程序。 Our team already have OAuth 2 server written in java, so my target is: check key with public key. 我们的团队已经有用Java编写的OAuth 2服务器,所以我的目标是:用公钥检查密钥。 But I don't know how to do it. 但是我不知道该怎么做。 If I use .net identity I have to use entity framework but I use only Cassandra as a database. 如果使用.net身份,则必须使用实体框架,但仅将Cassandra用作数据库。

How I can implement it without using EF? 在不使用EF的情况下如何实现它? Do you know any tutorials? 你知道任何教程吗?

You don't need any ASP.NET Core stuff. 您不需要任何ASP.NET Core内容。 A simple approach would be: 一种简单的方法是:

Nu-get the Packages Nu-get软件包


Set up some validation parameters: 设置一些验证参数:

var validationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
    RequireExpirationTime = true,
    ValidateLifetime = true,
    IssuerSigningKeys = keys, // Your public keys.
    ValidAudience = "my valid audience",
    ValidIssuer = "my valid issuer"

Call ValidateToken to get a ClaimsPrincipal with claims and stuff. 调用ValidateToken以获取具有索赔和其他内容的ClaimsPrincipal token is your JWT string, eg parsed from Authorization HTTP header. token是您的JWT字符串,例如从Authorization HTTP标头解析。

var handler = new JwtSecurityTokenHandler();
handler.ValidateToken(token, validationParameters, out SecurityToken validatedToken);

Using JsonWebKeySet from the above IdentityModel.Tokens package, you can automagically obtain keys from an OpenID Connect configuration: 使用上述IdentityModel.Tokens包中的JsonWebKeySet ,可以从OpenID Connect配置自动获取密钥:

https://github.com/IdentityModel/IdentityModel/blob/master/source/IdentityModel.Shared/Jwt/JsonWebKeySet.cs https://github.com/IdentityModel/IdentityModel/blob/master/source/IdentityModel.Shared/Jwt/JsonWebKeySet.cs

There are quite a few Microsoft (and other) documents available (make sure you are looking at documents relevant to the version that you are working with!) - googling will find them pretty easily, but EF is certainly not required as seen below. 有很多Microsoft(及其他)文档可用(请确保您正在查看与您使用的版本有关的文档!)-使用Google搜索可以很容易地找到它们,但是如下所示,EF绝对不是必需的。

No identity or user information is managed by the app directly. 该应用程序不直接管理任何身份或用户信息。 Instead, it will get all the user information it needs directly from the JWT token that authenticates a caller. 相反,它将直接从对调用方进行身份验证的JWT令牌中获取所需的所有用户信息。 https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/webdev/2017/04/06/jwt-validation-and-authorization-in-asp-net-core/ https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/webdev/2017/04/06/jwt-validation-and-authorization-in-asp-net-core/

Here is a simple example for version 1.1 https://github.com/williamhallatt/aspnet-core-webapi-jwt-auth-example 这是1.1版的一个简单示例https://github.com/williamhallatt/aspnet-core-webapi-jwt-auth-example

and the same example for 2.0 https://github.com/williamhallatt/aspnet-core-webapi-jwt-auth-example/tree/dotnecore2.0 和2.0的相同示例https://github.com/williamhallatt/aspnet-core-webapi-jwt-auth-example/tree/dotnecore2.0

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