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[英]construct string from indices in C

When I construct a string like this: 当我构造这样的字符串时:

char string[1] = {'a'};
printf("%s", string)

it returns a a4 . 它返回a4 Why is there a four at the end? 为什么末尾有四个? How can I get rid of it? 我该如何摆脱呢?

I choose this method because I need to make a string from character indexes, such as char array[4] = {string[i],string[j],string[k]}; 我之所以选择这种方法,是因为我需要从字符索引中创建一个字符串,例如char array[4] = {string[i],string[j],string[k]}; .

Your string should end with terminating char '\\0' You can do it by: 您的字符串应以终止字符'\\ 0'结尾。

char string[2] = {'a','\0'};

Or: 要么:

char string[] = "a";

"strings" in C are essentially arrays of characters ending with the \\0 character (null terminated). C语言中的“字符串”本质上是以\\ 0字符结尾的字符数组(空终止)。
So if you want an array of characters, what you did is fine, but it is not a "string". 因此,如果您想要一个字符数组,那么您所做的就可以了,但是它不是一个“字符串”。 Dont try to print it as such. 不要尝试这样打印。
If you would also like to print it or treat it as a "string", then increase it's length by 1, and add a '\\0' char at the end. 如果您还想打印或将其视为“字符串”,则将其长度增加1,并在末尾添加一个'\\0'字符。

The conversion specification %s is used to output strings that is a sequence of characters terminated by a zero character. 转换规范%s用于输出字符串,该字符串是一个以零个字符结尾的字符序列。

The array declared this way 数组以这种方式声明

char string[1] = {'a'};

does not contain a string. 不包含字符串。

So to output its elements you need to specify the exact number of characters you are going to output. 因此,要输出其元素,您需要指定要输出的确切字符数。 For example 例如

printf("%*.*s", 1, 1, string);

Otherwise reserve one more element in the array for the terminating zero and use the conversion specification %s . 否则,在数组中为终止的零保留一个以上的元素,并使用转换规范%s For example 例如

char string[2] = {'a'};
printf( "%s", string );

使用 ctypes 从 C 结构构造 numpy 数组。 值错误:' <p' is not a valid pep 3118 buffer format string< div><div id="text_translate"><p> 考虑以下代码:</p><p> by_ref.h</p><pre> typedef struct OutPutImage{ double *** output_img; int nb_images; int nb_cols; int nb_rows; }opi_; void test_output_images(struct OutPutImage * out, int nb_images, int nb_cols, int nb_rows);</pre><p> by_ref.c</p><pre> #include &lt;stdlib.h&gt; #include "by_ref.h" void test_output_images(struct OutPutImage* out, int nb_images, int nb_cols, int nb_rows){ out-&gt;nb_images = nb_images; out-&gt;nb_cols = nb_cols; out-&gt;nb_rows = nb_rows; out-&gt;output_img = (double***)malloc((nb_images) * sizeof(double**)); for(int i = 0; i &lt; nb_images; i++){ out-&gt;output_img[i] = (double**)malloc((nb_cols) * sizeof(double*)); for(int j = 0; j &lt; nb_cols; j++){ out-&gt;output_img[i][j] = (double*)malloc((nb_rows) * sizeof(double)); for(int k = 0; k &lt; nb_rows; k++){ out-&gt;output_img[i][j][k] = 0; } } } }</pre><p> 和</p><p> by_ref.py</p><pre> import ctypes import numpy.ctypeslib as npct import numpy as np class OutPutImage(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [('output_img', npct.ndpointer(dtype=np.double, ndim=3)), ('nb_images', ctypes.c_int), ('nb_cols', ctypes.c_int), ('nb_rows', ctypes.c_int)] _libc = ctypes.CDLL("./by_ref.so") def __init__(self, nb_images=None, nb_cols=None, nb_rows=None): self.nb_images = nb_images self.nb_cols = nb_cols self.nb_rows = nb_rows if __name__ == '__main__': libc_adm = ctypes.CDLL("./by_ref.so") libc_adm.test_output_images.restype = ctypes.c_int libc_adm.test_output_images.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(OutPutImage), ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int] output_image = OutPutImage(1, 2, 3) libc_adm.test_output_images(ctypes.byref(output_image), 4, 5, 6) print(np.array(output_image.output_img, dtype=np.float)) # error ocures here</pre><p> 当我使用以下 Makefile 制作并运行此代码时</p><pre>by_ref: by_ref.so python by_ref.py by_ref.so: by_ref.o gcc -shared -o by_ref.so by_ref.o by_ref.o: by_ref.c gcc -c -Wall -fpic by_ref.c -o by_ref.o</pre><p> 我得到错误:</p><pre> Traceback (most recent call last): File "by_ref.py", line 46, in &lt;module&gt; print(np.array(output_image.output_img, dtype=np.float)) ValueError: '&lt;P' is not a valid PEP 3118 buffer format string make: *** [Makefile:2: by_ref] Error 1</pre><p> 我确信test_output_images正在做它应该做的事情。 但是我无法从结构中的数据构建 numpy 数组。 我该如何做到这一点? 另外,我什么时候释放 memory? 谢谢。</p><p> <strong>编辑:</strong></p><p> 如果我使用np.ctypeslib.as_array(output_image.output_img)我得到同样的错误:</p><pre> ValueError: '&lt;P' is not a valid PEP 3118 buffer format string</pre><p> <strong>更新:</strong></p><p> 如果我使用x = np.ctypeslib.as_array(( ctypes.c_double*array_length ).from_address( ctypes.addressof(output_image.output_img) )) ,其中array_length=nb_images*nb_cols*nb_rows ,那么我避免了上述错误,但是新数组 x 包含垃圾,无法重塑。</p></div></p'> - Construct a numpy array from a C structure using ctypes. ValueError: '<P' is not a valid PEP 3118 buffer format string


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