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[英]Object initializer + property initializer (from C# to F#)

I have a Person and I want initialize the Name with the property initializer and the Age with the constructor. 我有一个Person,我希望使用属性初始值设定项初始化Name,使用构造函数初始化Age。

C# version C#版本

public class Person
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public int Age { get; set; }

    public Person(int age)
        Age = age

var person = new Person(20) { Name = "Alex" };

I've tried with F#: 我试过F#:

Try 1: Invalid syntax 尝试1:语法无效

type Person = {
    Name: string
    Age: int
} with 
    static member create (age: int): Person =
        { this with Age = age }: Person

Try 2: Invalid syntax 尝试2:语法无效

type Person =
    member val Name: string
    member val Age: int

    new(age: int)
        this.Age = 13

Should be as simple as 应该如此简单

type Person(age:int) =
    member val Name = "" with get, set
    member val Age = age with get, set

let person = Person(20, Name = "Alex")

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