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在哪里可以找到 PSD2 技术规范?

[英]Where to find the PSD2 technical specification?

PSD2, The Payment Services Directive of the EU. PSD2,欧盟支付服务指令

Financial institutions in the EU need to be PSD2 compliant, and there's a bunch of vendors claiming PSD2 compliancy.欧盟的金融机构需要符合 PSD2,并且有很多供应商声称符合 PSD2。 PSD2 is supposed to be a uniform EU-wide standard, and there's a million whitepapers, video blogs, impact estimates, high level overviews, but no technical specification. PSD2 应该是一个统一的欧盟范围内的标准,有一百万份白皮书、视频博客、影响估计、高级概述,但没有技术规范。

Nothing saying really what message needs to be sent where and then happens what.没有说真正需要发送什么消息,然后发生什么。 The closest thing I found is this but even there there's no reference, nothing to imply what exact technical spec they followed.我发现的最接近的事情是这个,但即使没有参考,也没有暗示他们遵循什么确切的技术规范。

Does anybody know where to get the official PSD2 technical requirements?有人知道从哪里获得官方的 PSD2 技术要求吗?

EDIT: I tried my luck with the developers of openbanking project编辑:我与 openbanking 项目的开发人员碰碰运气

PS I understand that this question is technically a "questions asking us to recommend or find a book, tool, software library, tutorial or other off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam" PS 我知道这个问题在技术上是一个“要求我们推荐或查找一本书、工具、软件库、教程或其他场外资源的问题对于 Stack Overflow 来说是无关紧要的,因为它们往往会吸引自以为是的答案和垃圾邮件”

This question must have a unique and precise answer from a single regulator - the EC, this is not an opinionated answers area.这个问题必须有一个来自单一监管机构——EC 的独特而准确的答案,这不是一个固执的答案领域。

Here is the UK standard.这是英国标准。

https://www.openbanking.org.uk https://www.openbanking.org.uk

Also there is a linkedin group to connect developers working on PSD2 and Openbanking with banks, regulators and suppliers here.还有一个 Linkedin 小组,可以将 PSD2 和 Openbanking 的开发人员与这里的银行、监管机构和供应商联系起来。

https://www.linkedin.com/groups/12069802 https://www.linkedin.com/groups/12069802

I got an answer from the "owner" of the OBP project, I'm posting it verbatim:我从 OBP 项目的“所有者”那里得到了一个答案,我逐字贴出:

Regarding the current status, Open Bank Project API develop branch currently supports OBP API specs 1.2.1 through 3.0.0目前,Open Bank Project API 开发分支目前支持 OBP API 规范 1.2.1 到 3.0.0

We also have an ISO20022 connector (PAIN) for initiating payments.我们还有一个 ISO20022 连接器 (PAIN) 用于发起付款。

You can read the OBP specs here:您可以在此处阅读 OBP 规范:

https://apiexplorersandbox.openbankproject.com/ https://apiexplorersandbox.openbankproject.com/

or use the Swagger:或使用 Swagger:

https://apisandbox.openbankproject.com/obp/v1.4.0/resource-docs/v3.0.0/swagger https://apisandbox.openbankproject.com/obp/v1.4.0/resource-docs/v3.0.0/swagger

or Resource Docs (our own format):或资源文档(我们自己的格式):

https://apisandbox.openbankproject.com/obp/v1.4.0/resource-docs/v3.0.0/obp https://apisandbox.openbankproject.com/obp/v1.4.0/resource-docs/v3.0.0/obp

(the Swagger / Resource Doc links can also be found at the bottom of the API Explorer) (也可以在 API Explorer 底部找到 Swagger / Resource Doc 链接)

Regarding PSD2, PSD2 doesn't explain exactly how countries should comply (eg it doesn't define URLs etc.).关于 PSD2,PSD2 没有准确解释国家应该如何遵守(例如,它没有定义 URL 等)。 However, it does say in Article 28 point 3: "Account servicing payment service providers shall also ensure that the dedicated interface uses ISO 20022 elements, components or approved message definitions, for financial messaging".但是,它确实在第 28 条第 3 点中说:“账户服务支付服务提供商还应确保专用接口使用 ISO 20022 元素、组件或批准的消息定义,用于金融消息传递”。

This is why STET (the recent French standard) uses field names like "PmtTpInf", "InstrPrty", "SvcLvl" and "Cd" etc.这就是 STET(最近的法国标准)使用“PmtTpInf”、“InstrPrty”、“SvcLvl”和“Cd”等字段名称的原因。

In addtion to the OBP standards mentioned above, we aim to support:除了上述 OBP 标准外,我们还旨在支持:

An ISO 20022 version of OBP. OBP 的 ISO 20022 版本。 This will most likely be requested using a different Mime type on the current OBP URLs and will be implemented as an automatic translation of OBP terms to ISO20022 equivelents (where they exist).这很可能是在当前 OBP URL 上使用不同的 Mime 类型请求的,并将作为 OBP 术语到 ISO20022 等效项(如果存在)的自动翻译来实现。 We'll probably support ISO20022 short field names and also longer type names (which are verbose but are more self describing).我们可能会支持 ISO20022 短字段名称和更长的类型名称(它们很冗长但更能自我描述)。

  1. UK Open Banking standard英国开放银行标准
  2. STET (French) STET(法语)
  3. Other Country standards.其他国家标准。

Thus OBP API will be able to surface multiple standards using one OBP instance and backend connector.因此,OBP API 将能够使用一个 OBP 实例和后端连接器来呈现多种标准。 It will provide easy to use REST APIs (OBP) and less easy to read ISO20022 interfaces for compliance.它将提供易于使用的 REST API (OBP) 和不太容易阅读的 ISO20022 接口以实现合规性。

Hope that helps.希望有帮助。

ps here is STET: https://www.stet.eu/assets/files/PSD2/API-DSP2-STET_V1.2.2.pdf ps 这里是 STET: https ://www.stet.eu/assets/files/PSD2/API-DSP2-STET_V1.2.2.pdf

If you are looking for a technical standard that is intended to be applicable across all PSD2 countries, you should check out the Berlin Group spec.如果您正在寻找适用于所有 PSD2 国家/地区的技术标准,您应该查看柏林集团规范。

The Open Banking spec is somewhat UK specific, it might be sufficient if you only need to support UK market, or you could extend it to support other products/markets (eg SEPA payments).开放银行规范在某种程度上是针对英国的,如果您只需要支持英国市场,或者您可以扩展它以支持其他产品/市场(例如 SEPA 付款),它可能就足够了。

I've been looking for an answer to this question myself, hoping that I'll find a PSD2-compliant JSON-based answer, rather than have to figure out ISO20022.我自己一直在寻找这个问题的答案,希望我能找到一个符合 PSD2 的基于 JSON 的答案,而不必弄清楚 ISO20022。

I found this brilliant article by Starling Bank saying:我发现Starling Bank 的这篇精彩文章说:

As of November 2017, however, the Open Banking Implementation Entity (OBIE) announced amendments to the scope of Open Banking to broaden out the Open Banking solution to include PSD2 items “in order to deliver a fully compliant PSD2 solution” – which can be read in full here and here .然而,截至 2017 年 11 月,开放银行实施实体 (OBIE) 宣布修订开放银行的范围,以扩大开放银行解决方案以包括 PSD2 项目,“以提供完全合规的 PSD2 解决方案”——可以阅读在这里这里

It seems to me that if Open Banking is designed to be PSD2-compliant and it already delivers detailed specs, then the safest bet here is to simply implement Open Banking specs .在我看来,如果开放银行被设计为符合 PSD2并且它已经提供了详细的规范,那么这里最安全的选择就是简单地实施开放银行规范

I've also found that viable alternatives to this are:我还发现可行的替代方案是:

  1. The Berlin Group's NextGenPSD2 specs , published as a YAML file . Berlin Group 的 NextGenPSD2 规范,作为YAML 文件发布
  2. The Stet specs, also published as a YAML file . Stet 规范,也作为YAML 文件发布

The text of PSD2 is here: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32018R0389&from=DE PSD2的文本在这里: https ://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri = CELEX:32018R0389 & from = DE

I found this from here: https://raue.com/en/e-commerce-2/new-eu-regulation-for-electronic-payments-and-online-banking/ which has a helpful summary.我从这里找到了这个: https : //raue.com/en/e-commerce-2/new-eu-regulation-for-electronic-payments-and-online-banking/有一个有用的总结。

PSD2 is the interface requirement, I don't understand why so many of the responses are about Open Banking, which is just about how to use the interface! PSD2是接口要求,不明白为什么这么多回复都是关于Open Banking的,就是说怎么用接口!

规范在很大程度上依赖于 JWT 我发现这个网站非常有用,如果它可以帮助任何人 - https://openbankingsdk.com

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