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代码隐藏文件,我如何使用“导入”来使用它? -Visual Basic

[英]Code-behind file, how can I use it with using "imports" ? -Visual Basic

Currently I have this main file: form1 and I've created one code-behind file called globalFunctions ... but now I need to know how to connect the two files.目前我有这个主文件: form1 ,我已经创建了一个名为globalFunctions代码隐藏文件......但现在我需要知道如何连接这两个文件。 I guess I need to use 'import' in somewhere...我想我需要在某处使用“导入”...

To edit a code-behind file in a WinForm project, you can double-click the file name under Files in the Project panel.要编辑 WinForm 项目中的代码隐藏文件,您可以双击“项目”面板中“文件”下的文件名。

Just click the Form1 in the right sidebar and you will enter the code edit panel.只需单击右侧边栏中的Form1 ,您就会进入代码编辑面板。

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