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如果将带有VSTA代码的表单移到Visual Studio中,最终用户是否需要VSTO运行时?

[英]If I move a form with VSTA code-behind into Visual Studio, will end users require the VSTO runtime?

I have an existing InfoPath 2007 form that has some code-behind developed with VSTA. 我有一个现有的InfoPath 2007表单,该表单具有一些用VSTA开发的代码。 It has been deployed to SharePoint as an administrator-approved form but is not browser based - the InfoPath client opens when users fill in a new form. 它已作为管理员批准的表单部署到SharePoint,但不是基于浏览器的-用户填写新表单时,InfoPath客户端会打开。

I'd now like to follow How to: Migrate a Project Created in Visual Studio Tools for Applications to Visual Studio and move this code into Visual Studio so it's easier to manage and integrated with source control. 现在,我想遵循如何:将在Visual Studio Tools中创建的用于应用程序的项目迁移到Visual Studio,并将此代码移入Visual Studio,以便更轻松地管理和与源代码控件集成。

Will migrating the form to Visual Studio introduce a dependency on the VSTO runtime so that end users will need to have it deployed to their machines for the form to run? 将表单迁移到Visual Studio是否会在VSTO运行时上引入依赖关系,以便最终用户需要将其部署到他们的计算机上才能运行该表单?

Moving it from InfoPath 2007 to Visual Studio will not introduce any new runtime dependencies. 将其从InfoPath 2007迁移到Visual Studio不会引入任何新的运行时依赖项。 I have done this in the past. 我过去曾经做过。 All you're doing is wrapping it up in a nice csproj/vbproj and solution. 您要做的只是将其包装在一个不错的csproj / vbproj和解决方案中。


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