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[英]Pandas dataframe group by multiple columns

Given a dataframe with two datetime columns A and B and a numeric column C , how to group by month of both A and B and sum(C) ie 给定具有两个日期时间列AB以及数字列C的数据帧,如何month分组AB以及sum(C)

In [1]: df

      A           B            C  
0  2013-01-01  2013-01-01  0.282863 
1  2013-01-02  2013-01-01  0.173215 
2  2013-02-03  2013-02-04  2.104569 
3  2013-02-09  2013-04-15  0.706771 
4  2013-03-05  2013-08-01  0.567020 
5  2013-03-06  2013-04-01  0.113648

By using groupby 通过使用groupby


A  B
1  1    0.456078
2  2    2.104569
   4    0.706771
3  4    0.113648
   8    0.567020
Name: C, dtype: float64

Note: By using this , make sure A and B are datetime format If not , do following code before groupby 注意:使用此选项,请确保A和B是日期时间格式如果不是,请在groupby之前执行以下代码


I recently just read about a new function that makes grouping by dates super easy. 我最近刚刚阅读了一个新功能,它使日期分组变得非常容易。


 df.groupby([pd.Grouper(key='A', freq='M'), pd.Grouper(key='B', freq='M')])['C'].sum()

The number of options this opens up makes it worth looking into: 这打开的选项数量值得研究:

Source: http://pbpython.com/pandas-grouper-agg.html 资料来源: http//pbpython.com/pandas-grouper-agg.html

Different Date aliases: http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/timeseries.html#offset-aliases 不同的日期别名: http//pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/timeseries.html#offset-aliases

df['month_A'] = [i.month for i in pd.to_datetime(df.A)]
df['month_B'] = [i.month for i in pd.to_datetime(df.B)]

df.groupby(['month_A', 'month_B']).sum()

If you combine with following, you will get back the result with the respective values in A and B column 如果您结合使用以下内容,您将使用A和B列中的相应值返回结果

idsum = df.groupby([df.A.dt.month,df.B.dt.month])["C"].transform(sum) == df["C"]

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