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Spring 中的自定义 Http 状态代码

[英]Custom Http Status Code in Spring

I am using Spring Boot and I am using Exception Classes thoughout my business logic code.我正在使用 Spring Boot 并且在我的业务逻辑代码中使用异常类。 One might look like this:一个可能看起来像这样:

public class ExternalDependencyException extends RuntimeException {

    public ExternalDependencyException() {
        super("External Dependency Failed");
    public ExternalDependencyException(String message) {


Well now there are Exception, where no predefined Http Status code is fitting, so I would like to use a status code like 460 or similar, which is still free, but the annotation ResponseStatus just accepts values from the enum HttpStatus .那么现在有异常,没有预定义的 Http 状态代码适合,所以我想使用像 460 或类似的状态代码,它仍然是免费的,但注释ResponseStatus只接受来自枚举HttpStatus值。 Is there a way to achieve an Exception class with a custom status code in the java spring boot environment?有没有办法在java spring boot环境中实现带有自定义状态码的Exception类?

I'm not aware of a way to do this with @ResponseStatus .我不知道有什么方法可以用@ResponseStatus做到这一点

One way to solve is this issue is with @RestControllerAdvice .解决此问题的一种方法是使用@RestControllerAdvice This will allow you to customize how you return your Exception.这将允许您自定义返回异常的方式。

public class WebRestControllerAdvice  {

    public String handleGitlabException(ExternalDependencyException ex, HttpServletResponse response) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return ex.getMessage();

In general, @mdeterman answer is good, but I believe the right thing to do is setStatus to response, not sendError directly.一般来说,@mdeterman 的回答很好,但我相信正确的做法是 setStatus 来响应,而不是直接发送错误。 Example:示例:

public class CustomExceptionHandler { 
    public String handleException(Exception ex, HttpServletResponse response) {
        return ex.getMessage();

It seems to be possible only because of @RestControllerAdvice.似乎只有因为@RestControllerAdvice 才有可能。 @ControllerAdvice reset status code on view resolver level (for some strange reason). @ControllerAdvice 在视图解析器级别重置状态代码(出于某种奇怪的原因)。 Also it is important to understand: any custom status code (not mentioned in org.apache.http.HttpStatus - RFC1945, RFC2616 , and RFC2518) will cause UnknownHttpStatusCodeException if client service is based on spring.同样重要的是要了解:如果客户端服务基于 spring 任何自定义状态代码(在 org.apache.http.HttpStatus - RFC1945、RFC2616 和 RFC2518 中未提及)都将导致 UnknownHttpStatusCodeException。

Yes, sendError() will use Spring default Template.是的, sendError()将使用 Spring 默认模板。 You also need to use RestControllerAdvice instead of ControllerAdvice , then setStatus() will do the trick :)您还需要使用RestControllerAdvice而不是ControllerAdvice ,然后setStatus()就可以了:)

public class ExceptionService {

    public CustomExceptionDto handle(HttpServletResponse resp, CustomException e) {
        resp.setStatus(e.getStatus().value()); //Using Spring HttpStatus
        return e.toDto();


In Spring Boot 2.1.8.RELEASE I did something similar but without using the HttpServletResponse:在 Spring Boot 2.1.8.RELEASE 中,我做了类似的事情,但没有使用 HttpServletResponse:

public class RestExceptionHandler {

    public ApiErrorResponse handleTemplateEngineException(MyCustomException ex) {

        //custom ApiErrorResponse class
        return ApiErrorResponse.builder()

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