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[英]Getting associated values from Python dictionary that is using lists

Ok, so I am working on an application that can go through a number of different database objects, compare the string and return the associated id, first name and last name. 好的,所以我正在开发一个可以通过许多不同的数据库对象,比较字符串并返回关联的ID,名字和姓氏的应用程序。 I currently have it to where I am building a list of tuples and then populating a dictionary with the key and values(using a list). 我目前在建立元组列表的地方,然后用键和值(使用列表)填充字典。 What I want to do next is find the Max percentage and then return the associated fist and last name from the dictionary. 我接下来要做的是找到最大百分比,然后从字典中返回相关的拳头和姓氏。 I know the description is a little confusing so please look at the below examples and code: 我知道说明有些混乱,因此请查看以下示例和代码:

# My Dictionary: 
    {'percent': [51.9, 52.3, 81.8, 21.0], 'first_name': ['Bob', 'Bill', 'Matt', 'John'], 'last_name': ['Smith', 'Allen', 'Naran', 'Jacobs']}

# I would want this to be returned:
    percent = 81.8 (Max percentage match)
    first_name = 'Matt' (First name associated with the max percentage match)
    last_name = 'Naran' (Last name associated with the max percentage match)

# Code so Far:
    compare_list = []
    compare_dict = {}

# Builds my list of Tuples
    compare_list.append(tuple(("percent", percentage)))
    compare_list.append(tuple(("first_name", first_name)))
    compare_list.append(tuple(("last_name", last_name)))

# Builds my Dictionary
    for x, y in compare_list:
        compare_dict.setdefault(x, []).append(y)

Not sure where to go to return the first and last name associated with the Max percentage. 不确定要返回与最大百分比相关的名字和姓氏的位置。

I really appreciate any and all help that you provide! 非常感谢您提供的所有帮助!

I hope this will help you: 我希望这能帮到您:

data = {'percent': [51.9, 52.3, 81.8, 21.0], 'first_name': ['Bob', 'Bill', 'Matt', 'John'], 'last_name': ['Smith', 'Allen', 'Naran', 'Jacobs']}

percentage_list = data['percent']
percentage = max(percentage_list)
max_index = percentage_list.index(percentage)

first_name = data['first_name'][max_index]
last_name = data['last_name'][max_index]

# Code so Far:
compare_list = []
compare_dict = {}

# Builds my list of Tuples
compare_list.append(tuple(("percent", percentage)))
compare_list.append(tuple(("first_name", first_name)))
compare_list.append(tuple(("last_name", last_name)))

# Builds my Dictionary
for x, y in compare_list:
    compare_dict.setdefault(x, []).append(y)

print compare_dict

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