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带位域​​和char的fwrite / fread结构*

[英]fwrite/fread struct with bitfields and char *

I am testing a custom structure where there is bitfield and a unsigned char * (that will be allocated later). 我正在测试一个自定义结构,其中有位字段和一个无符号char *(将在以后分配)。

Here is the structure : 这是结构:

struct test {
  unsigned int field1 : 1;
  unsigned int field2 : 15;
  unsigned int field3 : 32;
  unsigned int dataLength : 16;
  unsigned char * data;

The problem is when I tried to save this struct inside a file in hex. 问题是当我尝试将此结构保存为十六进制文件时。

For example : 例如 :

int writeStruct(struct test *ptr, FILE *f) {

   // for data, suppose I know the length by dataLength  : 
   // this throw me : cannot take adress of bit field
   int count;
   count = fwrite( &(ptr->field2), sizeof(unsigned int), 1, f);

   // this throw me : makes pointer to integer without a cast
   count = fwrite( ptr->field2, sizeof(unsigned int), 1, f);

   // same for length
   count = fwrite( htons(ptr->data) , ptr->dataLength, 1,f);       

   // so , how to do that ?

The same problem goes to fread : 同样,fread也有问题:

int readAnStructFromFile(struct test *ptr, FILE *f) {
   // probably wrong
   fread(ptr->field1, sizeof(unsigned int), 1, f);

So , how can I write/read struct like this ? 那么,我怎么能这样写/读结构呢?

Thanks for your help 谢谢你的帮助

PS for fread, this could work if there wasn't these bitfields: How to fread() structs? PS for fread,如果没有这些位字段,则可以使用: 如何fread()结构?

there is no way to get an address of a bitfield. 无法获得位域的地址。 The usual way to handle it is to either use a temporary variable on read/write sides or just to save the whole struct as a single entity. 处理它的通常方法是在读/写侧使用临时变量,或者仅将整个结构保存为单个实体。 With temp vars it looks like the following: 使用temp var时,其外观如下所示:

int count;
int field2 = ptr->field2;
count = fwrite( &field2, sizeof(unsigned int), 1, f);
int field1;
fread(&field1, sizeof(unsigned int), 1, f);
ptr->field1 = field1;

or for the whole struct: 或对于整个结构:

count = fwrite( ptr, sizeof(struct test), 1, f);

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