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[英]Robocopy copy files source to destination date range

I am trying to copy the folders and files created between the date range. 我正在尝试复制日期范围之间创建的文件夹和文件。 But this following command looks like copying everything from the source ignoring the date range. 但是以下命令看起来像是复制源中的所有内容,而忽略日期范围。 What could be wrong? 有什么事吗

robocopy c:\source c:\destination /E /dcopy:t /MAXAGE:20100101 /MINAGE:20110101

The /maxage and /minage switches in robocopy seem to refer to the modified date. robocopy中的/ maxage和/ minage开关似乎是指修改后的日期。 It is not obvious from the documentation but if you try for yourself you can easily verify that. 文档中看不出来,但是如果您自己尝试,则可以轻松地进行验证。 There are no switches for the creation date so I believe the only solution here is powershell if the difference in performance is acceptable to you. 创建日期没有任何切换,因此,如果性能差异可以接受,那么我相信唯一的解决方案是使用powershell。

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