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[英]Add a row for each month for each id in R

So I have a list of IDs. 所以我有一个ID列表。

I would like to create a table consisting of rows for each month of a year for each id in the list. 我想为表中的每个ID创建一个由一年中每个月的行组成的表。

I tried to use a rbind in a for loop but this takes forever... as such: 我试图在for循环中使用rbind,但这需要永远...

for (k in seq_along(members))
  for (i in seq(1,12))
    df1<-rbind(df1, data.frame(MemYearMo=paste(members[k],"_",year,formatC(i,width=2,flag=0), sep="")))

where members is obviously my list of id's. 成员显然是我的ID列表。

My desired output is: XXX_201701 XXX_201702 XXX_201703 . 我想要的输出是:XXX_201701 XXX_201702 XXX_201703。 . . XXX 201712 XXX 201712

where XXX is one of my id's. 其中XXX是我的ID之一。

What would be the fastest way to do something like this? 做这样的最快的方法是什么?

I'm not sure I understand your desired output but you can use expand.grid to generate the different combinations of member ids with the months of the year. 我不确定我是否了解您想要的输出,但是您可以使用expand.grid生成会员ID与一年中不同月份的组合。


df <- as.data.frame(expand.grid(members = 901:903, ym = 201701:201712))
df$MemYearMo <- paste(df$members, df$ym, sep = "_")
#>    members     ym  MemYearMo
#> 1      901 201701 901_201701
#> 2      902 201701 902_201701
#> 3      903 201701 903_201701
#> 4      901 201702 901_201702
#> 5      902 201702 902_201702
#> 6      903 201702 903_201702
#> ...(and so on)...
#> 34     901 201712 901_201712
#> 35     902 201712 902_201712
#> 36     903 201712 903_201712

Using data.table and paste0 you can do this, assuming that your id's are unique. 假设您的ID是唯一的,则可以使用data.table和paste0进行此操作。

id <- as.data.table(letters)
id <- id[, .(output = paste0(letters, paste0("_2017", c(paste0(0, 1:9), 10:12)))), by = .(letters)]

Using rep : 使用rep

id <- letters[1:10]
month <- 201701:201712
ids <- rep(ids, each=length(month))
months <- rep(months, length.out=length(id))
data.frame(id=ids, ym=months, id_ym = paste(ids, months, sep="_"))


    id     ym    id_ym
1    a 201701 a_201701
2    a 201702 a_201702
3    a 201703 a_201703

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