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带船长的Boost.Qi规则与“。”不匹配 字符

[英]Boost.Qi rule with skipper does not match '.' character

So I have the following qi skipper: 所以我有以下qi队长:

template<typename Iterator> struct verilog_skipper :
public qi::grammar<Iterator> {

verilog_skipper() : verilog_skipper::base_type(skip) {
    namespace phx = boost::phoenix;
    skip = qi::ascii::space | qi::eol | line_comment;
    line_comment = (qi::lit("//") >> *(qi::char_ - qi::eol) >> *(qi::eol));
qi::rule<Iterator> skip;
qi::rule<Iterator> line_comment;

and the following qi grammar: 和以下齐语法:

template <typename Iterator, 
typename Skipper = verilog_skipper<Iterator> struct verilog_grammer : 
qi::grammar<Iterator, Skipper> {
verilog_ast ckt_ast;

: verilog_grammer::base_type(module) {

namespace phx = boost::phoenix;

module = (module_definition >> statements >> qi::lit("endmodule"));

statements = statement % ';';

statement = (input_wires | instance);

module_definition = (qi::lit("module") >> ident >> qi::char_('(')
                >> ident_list >>  qi::char_(')') >> ';' );

input_wires = (qi::lit("input") >> ident_list);

instance = (ident >> ident >> 
qi::char_('(') >> connection_pair_list >> qi::char_(')'));

connection_pair_list = connection_pair % ',';
connection_pair =  (qi::char_('.')[phx::bind(&found_smth)] 
>> ident >> qi::char_('(') >> ident >> qi::char_(')'));

ident_list = ident % ',';
ident = (qi::char_("a-zA-Z_") >> *qi::char_("a-zA-Z_0-9"));

qi::rule<Iterator, Skipper> module;
qi::rule<Iterator, Skipper> module_definition;
qi::rule<Iterator, Skipper> statements;
qi::rule<Iterator, Skipper> statement;
qi::rule<Iterator, Skipper> instance;
qi::rule<Iterator, Skipper> input_wires;
qi::rule<Iterator, std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> >(), Skipper> connection_pair_list;
qi::rule<Iterator, std::pair<std::string, std::string>(), Skipper> connection_pair;
qi::rule<Iterator, std::vector<std::string>(), Skipper> ident_list;
qi::rule<Iterator, std::string(), Skipper> ident;

I have binded the found_smth function to the dot character in the grammar. 我已经将found_smth函数绑定到语法中的点字符。 I feel the rules are correct but I am unable to match any connection_pairs in the following input and the parse fails as the iterators do not reach one another: 我觉得规则是正确的,但是我无法在以下输入中匹配任何connection_pairs,并且由于迭代器彼此不可达,因此解析失败:

module mymod (A, B);

input A, B;

XOR21 gatexor5 (.A(B) , .C(D));

Is the skipper consuming the dot? 队长是否在消耗点数? I should get a match on the dot immediately right? 我应该马上在点上找到火柴,对吗? Can anyone help me spot the issue? 谁能帮我发现问题?

Here is my main code: 这是我的main代码:

typedef verilog_skipper<std::string::const_iterator> verilog_skipper;
typedef verilog_grammer<std::string::const_iterator, verilog_skipper> verilog_grammar;
verilog_grammar vg; // Our grammar
verilog_skipper vg_skip; // Our grammar

using boost::spirit::ascii::space;
std::string::const_iterator iter = storage.begin();
std::string::const_iterator end = storage.end();

bool r = qi::phrase_parse(iter, end, vg, vg_skip);

if (r && iter == end)
  std::cout << "-------------------------\n";
  std::cout << "Parsing succeeded\n";
  std::cout << "-------------------------\n";
  return 0;

A few things. 一些东西。

  1. You need to brush up on skippers and lexemes: 您需要复习船长和词素:

  2. Specifically, qi::eol is part of qi::space (not qi::blank ). 具体来说, qi::eolqi::space一部分(而不是qi::blank )。 I'd specify the skipper simply as 我会简单地指定船长为

     skip = qi::ascii::space | line_comment; line_comment = "//" >> *(qi::char_ - qi::eol) >> (qi::eol|qi::eoi); 
  3. Even more specifically, you'll /need/ to make sure identifiers are a lexeme. 更具体地说,您将/需要/确保标识符是一个词素。 The simplest way is to drop the skipper from the rule's declaration. 最简单的方法是从规则的声明中删除船长。 Otherwise "ab\\nc" is a perfectly valid spelling of the identifier "abc" . 否则, "ab\\nc"是标识符"abc"的完全有效的拼写。

     // lexemes qi::rule<Iterator, std::string()> primitive_gate, ident; 
  4. Next up your sample shows every statement terminated with ';' 接下来的示例显示了每个';'结尾的语句 . But your grammar says: 但是你的语法说:

     statements = statement % ';'; 

    This will allow "S1" , "S1;S2" , ... but not "S1;" 这将允许"S1""S1;S2" ,...,但不允许 "S1;" . There are several ways to fix it. 有几种解决方法。 The simplest would appear to be 最简单的似乎是

     statements = +(statement >> ';'); // require exactly one `;` always 

    Alternatively, if "S1;;;;" 或者,如果为"S1;;;;" is also acceptable, you might be tempted to say 也可以接受,您可能会想说

     statements = +(statement >> +qi::lit(';')); // require at least one `;` always 

    Note though that this would not accept ";;;S1;;" 请注意,尽管这将接受";;;S1;;" , nor "" as you might have expected. ,也不像您预期​​的那样是"" A pattern I often employ is the optional element list: 我经常采用的模式是可选元素列表:

     statements = -statement % ';'; // simple and flexible 

    Which has a nice way of accepting "" , ";" 可以很好地接受""";" , ";;" ";;" , "S1" , ";;S1;" "S1"";;S1;" etc. Note it's not as efficient as something more verbose like 等。请注意,它不像更冗长的内容那样有效

     statements = *(*qi::lit(';') >> statement >> +qi::lit(';')); // require exactly one `;` always 
  5. I note you use qi::char_('(') (and similar) that will expose the matched character in the synthesized attribute. It is highly unlikely this is what you mean. Use qi::lit('(') instead, or indeed, using bare character/string literals in your parser expression will promote them to parser expressions¹ 我注意到您使用qi::char_('(') (和类似方法)将在综合属性中公开匹配的字符。这不太可能是您的意思。请改用qi::lit('(') ,或者的确,在解析器表达式中使用裸字符/字符串文字将其提升为解析器表达式¹

  6. Consider using BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG to gain insight into what your grammar is doing 考虑使用BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG来了解您的语法在做什么

  7. Encapsulate your skipper, since the caller should not be bothered about it, and you likely do not want users of your grammar to be able to change the skipper (that might break the entire grammar). 封装您的队长,因为调用者不必为此而烦恼,并且您可能不希望语法用户更改队长(这可能会破坏整个语法)。

  8. Consider using symbols instead of listing keywords, like: 考虑使用符号而不是列出关键字,例如:

     primitive_gate = qi::lit("nand") | "nor" | "and" | "or" | "xor" | "xnor" | "buf" | "not"; 
  9. Pay attention to the ordering and keyword matching. 注意顺序和关键字匹配。 If you parse an identifier, a keyword like nand would match. 如果您解析一个标识符,那么像nand这样的关键字将匹配。 If you have an identifier like xor21 however, the keyword xor would match first. 但是,如果您具有xor21类的标识符,则关键字xor将首先匹配。 You may want/need to guard against this ( How to parse reserved words correctly in boost spirit ) 您可能需要/需要注意这一点( 如何以增强的精神正确地解析保留字

  10. Note that the presence of a semantic action (like eg the found_smth ) inhibits automatic attribute propagation, unless you use operator%= to assign the parser expression to the rule. 请注意,除非您使用operator%=来将解析器表达式分配给规则,否则语义动作(例如found_smth )的存在会禁止自动属性传播。


Applying the above...: 应用以上...:

Live On Wandbox 魔盒直播

#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/repository/include/qi_distinct.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/adapted.hpp>
namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;

static void found_smth() { std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "\n"; }

template <typename Iterator> struct verilog_skipper : qi::grammar<Iterator> {

    verilog_skipper() : verilog_skipper::base_type(skip) {
        skip = qi::ascii::space | line_comment;
        line_comment = "//" >> *(qi::char_ - qi::eol) >> (qi::eol|qi::eoi);
    qi::rule<Iterator> skip;
    qi::rule<Iterator> line_comment;

template <typename Iterator>
struct verilog_grammar : qi::grammar<Iterator> {
    //verilog_ast ckt_ast;
    typedef verilog_skipper<Iterator> Skipper;

    verilog_grammar() : verilog_grammar::base_type(start) {

        namespace phx = boost::phoenix;
        using boost::spirit::repository::qi::distinct;
        auto kw = distinct(qi::char_("a-zA-Z_0-9"));

        start                = qi::skip(qi::copy(skipper)) [module];
        module               = (module_definition >> statements >> kw["endmodule"]);

        module_definition    = (kw["module"] >> ident >> '(' >> ident_list >> ')' >> ';');

        statements           = -statement % ';';

        statement            = input_wires | output_wires | internal_wires | primitive | instance;

        input_wires          = kw["input"] >> ident_list;

        output_wires         = kw["output"] >> ident_list;

        internal_wires       = kw["wire"] >> ident_list;

        primitive            = primitive_gate >> ident >> '(' >> ident_list >> ')';

        instance             = ident >> ident >> '(' >> connection_pair_list >> ')';

        connection_pair_list = connection_pair % ',';

        // NOTE subtle use of `operator%=` in the presence of a semantic action
        connection_pair     %= (qi::lit('.')[phx::bind(&found_smth)] >> ident
                >> '(' >> ident >> ')');

        ident_list           = ident % ',';
        ident                = (qi::char_("a-zA-Z_") >> *qi::char_("a-zA-Z_0-9"));

        primitive_gate       = qi::raw[kw[primitive_gate_]];

    qi::rule<Iterator> start;
    qi::rule<Iterator, Skipper> module;
    qi::rule<Iterator, Skipper> module_definition;
    qi::rule<Iterator, Skipper> statements;
    qi::rule<Iterator, Skipper> statement;
    qi::rule<Iterator, Skipper> primitive;
    qi::rule<Iterator, std::string()> primitive_gate;
    qi::rule<Iterator, Skipper> instance;
    qi::rule<Iterator, Skipper> output_wires;
    qi::rule<Iterator, Skipper> input_wires;
    qi::rule<Iterator, Skipper> internal_wires;
    qi::rule<Iterator, std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> >(), Skipper> connection_pair_list;
    qi::rule<Iterator, std::pair<std::string, std::string>(), Skipper> connection_pair;
    qi::rule<Iterator, std::vector<std::string>(), Skipper> ident_list;

    // lexemes
    qi::rule<Iterator, std::string()> ident;
    struct primitive_gate_t : qi::symbols<char> {
        primitive_gate_t() { this->add("nand")("nor")("and")("or")("xor")("xnor")("buf")("not"); }
    } primitive_gate_;

    Skipper skipper;

#include <fstream>
int main() {
    std::ifstream ifs("input.txt");
    using It = boost::spirit::istream_iterator;
    It f(ifs >> std::noskipws), l;

    bool ok = qi::parse(f, l, verilog_grammar<It>{});
    if (ok) 
        std::cout << "Parsed\n";
        std::cout << "Parse failed\n";

    if (f!=l)
        std::cout << "Remaining unparsed '" << std::string(f,l) << "'\n";

Prints: 打印:

void found_smth()
void found_smth()

Or with debug information enabled ( BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG ): 或启用调试信息( BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG ):

  <try>module mymod (A, B);</try>
    <try>module mymod (A, B);</try>
      <try>mymod (A, B);\n\ninput</try>
      <success> (A, B);\n\ninput A, B</success>
      <attributes>[[m, y, m, o, d]]</attributes>
      <try>A, B);\n\ninput A, B;\n</try>
        <try>A, B);\n\ninput A, B;\n</try>
        <success>, B);\n\ninput A, B;\n\n</success>
        <try>B);\n\ninput A, B;\n\nXO</try>
        <success>);\n\ninput A, B;\n\nXOR</success>
      <success>);\n\ninput A, B;\n\nXOR</success>
      <attributes>[[[A], [B]]]</attributes>
    <success>\n\ninput A, B;\n\nXOR21</success>
    <try>\n\ninput A, B;\n\nXOR21</try>
      <try>\n\ninput A, B;\n\nXOR21</try>
        <try>\n\ninput A, B;\n\nXOR21</try>
          <try>\n\ninput A, B;\n\nXOR21</try>
            <try> A, B;\n\nXOR21 gatexo</try>
              <try>A, B;\n\nXOR21 gatexor</try>
              <success>, B;\n\nXOR21 gatexor5</success>
              <try>B;\n\nXOR21 gatexor5 (</try>
              <success>;\n\nXOR21 gatexor5 (.</success>
            <success>;\n\nXOR21 gatexor5 (.</success>
            <attributes>[[[A], [B]]]</attributes>
          <success>;\n\nXOR21 gatexor5 (.</success>
        <success>;\n\nXOR21 gatexor5 (.</success>
      <success>;\n\nXOR21 gatexor5 (.</success>
      <try>\n\nXOR21 gatexor5 (.A</try>
        <try>\n\nXOR21 gatexor5 (.A</try>
          <try>\n\nXOR21 gatexor5 (.A</try>
        <try>\n\nXOR21 gatexor5 (.A</try>
        <try>\n\nXOR21 gatexor5 (.A</try>
          <try>XOR21 gatexor5 (.A(B</try>
        <try>\n\nXOR21 gatexor5 (.A</try>
          <try>XOR21 gatexor5 (.A(B</try>
          <success> gatexor5 (.A(B) , .</success>
          <attributes>[[X, O, R, 2, 1]]</attributes>
          <try>gatexor5 (.A(B) , .C</try>
          <success> (.A(B) , .C(D));\nen</success>
          <attributes>[[g, a, t, e, x, o, r, 5]]</attributes>
          <try>.A(B) , .C(D));\nendm</try>
            <try>.A(B) , .C(D));\nendm</try>
              <try>A(B) , .C(D));\nendmo</try>
              <success>(B) , .C(D));\nendmod</success>
              <try>B) , .C(D));\nendmodu</try>
              <success>) , .C(D));\nendmodul</success>
            <success> , .C(D));\nendmodule</success>
            <attributes>[[[A], [B]]]</attributes>
            <try> .C(D));\nendmodule\n</try>
            <attributes>[[[C], [D]]]</attributes>
          <attributes>[[[[A], [B]], [[C], [D]]]]</attributes>
          <attributes>[[e, n, d, m, o, d, u, l, e]]</attributes>

¹ as long as one operand involved in the expression is from the Qi proto-expression domain ¹只要表达中涉及的一个操作数都来自Qi原型表达域

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