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ChartJS 中条形图的边框半径

[英]Border radius for the bar chart in ChartJS

I am creating a stacked bar chart using ng2-chart which is the Angular-2 version of ChartJs .我创建使用堆积条形图NG2-图表,其是角-2版本的ChartJs

I am trying to create bar chart with border- radius as mentioned in the attached image, but unable to find the option to achieve this,我正在尝试创建带有边框半径的条形图,如附图中所述,但无法找到实现此目的的选项,

please suggest me some way to get this.请建议我一些方法来得到这个。

My code:我的代码:

public barChartOptions: any = {
    scaleShowVerticalLines: false,
    responsive: false,
    scales: {
      xAxes: [{
        stacked: true
      maxBarThickness: 5,
      yAxes: [{
        stacked: true

    legend: {
      display: true,
      position: 'right',
      labels: {
          fontColor: '#fff'


<canvas baseChart style="height:350px; width:1150px;" [datasets]="barChartData" [labels]="barChartLabels" [options]="barChartOptions" [legend]="barChartLegend"
[colors]="lineChartColors" [chartType]="barChartType">


Using version 3 of chart.js you can easily configure this with the borderRadius property.使用 chart.js 的第 3 版,您可以使用borderRadius属性轻松配置它。 At the time of writing this answer you will need to install the next branch of ng2-charts since its in its 7'th release candidate for using v3 of chart.js在撰写此答案时,您将需要安装ng2-chartsnext分支,因为它是使用 chart.js 的 v3 的第 7 个候选版本

 var options = { type: 'bar', data: { labels: ["Red", "Blue", "Yellow", "Green", "Purple", "Orange"], datasets: [{ label: '# of Votes', data: [12, 19, 3, 5, 2, 3], backgroundColor: 'pink', borderRadius: Number.MAX_VALUE, borderSkipped: false, }] }, options: {} } var ctx = document.getElementById('chartJSContainer').getContext('2d'); new Chart(ctx, options);
 <body> <canvas id="chartJSContainer" width="600" height="400"></canvas> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/Chart.js/3.6.0/chart.js"></script> </body>

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