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[英]Passing a jcombobox variable from one class to another class using a jbutton action in another class

So, in Java I have two classes is created using swing components . 因此,在Java我有两个使用swing components创建的类。 In one class, named SearchPage , I set up parameters for a search in the Jtextfield or Jcombobox provided and click the apply jbutton . 在一个名为SearchPage类中,我在提供的JtextfieldJcombobox设置了用于搜索的参数,然后单击apply jbutton When I do that, depending on what field contains data, I want to send that variable over to the ItemPage class to be used in my pop_tree method to use that variable to search my mysql database and populate the tree with the search results. 当我这样做时,我想根据哪个字段包含数据,将该变量发送到ItemPage类,以在我的pop_tree方法中使用该变量,以使用该变量搜索我的mysql数据库并用搜索结果填充树。 How can I accomplish this? 我该怎么做?

Here is the code for the pop_tree method: 这是pop_tree方法的代码:

public final void pop_tree() throws SQLException {
    //creating root node
    DefaultTreeModel dbtree = (DefaultTreeModel)DBTree.getModel();
    DefaultMutableTreeNode content = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Content");

        //let's see if I can create these child nodes
        SearchPage s = new SearchPage();
        try {
            con = DBconnect.getConnection();
            stm = con.createStatement();
            //Grab what's in search field of Search Page
                String search = s.search_field.getText();
                if (search == null){
                    ResultSet rs = stm.executeQuery("SELECT * from displaydetails WHERE item LIKE '%"+search+"%'");
                    while (rs.next()){
                        DefaultMutableTreeNode itemNode = new DefaultMutableTreeNode (rs.getString("item"));
            }catch(SQLException e){

                //If a genre selection is made in the combo box:
                if ((s.option_box.getSelectedItem())== "genre"){
                String genre2 = s.result_box.getSelectedItem().toString();
                if (genre2.equals(s.result_box.getSelectedItem())) {
                    ResultSet rs1 = stm.executeQuery("SELECT * from displaydetails WHERE genre = '" + genre2 + "';");
                    while (rs1.next()){
                        DefaultMutableTreeNode itemNode = new DefaultMutableTreeNode (rs1.getString("item"));
            }catch(SQLException e){

I have the search form created to setup the search parameters, but when I click the apply_search_button on the form, I want to send the variable to the proper location in the pop_tree() method to perform the search. 我已经创建了用于设置搜索参数的搜索表单,但是当我单击apply_search_button上的apply_search_button时,我想将变量发送到pop_tree()方法中的适当位置以执行搜索。 Can anyone help me with this? 谁能帮我这个? Thanks. 谢谢。

To get answer to "Passing a jcombobox variable from one class to another class using a jbutton action in another class" much of the code posted, is not needed. 要获得“在另一个类中使用jbutton动作将jcombobox变量从一个类传递到另一个类”的答案,不需要编写许多代码。 Always consider posting [mcve] . 始终考虑发布[mcve]
Here is one that demonstrates just that : 这是一个说明:

import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JTextField;

public class SearchPage extends JFrame {

    private JTextField searchField;
    private JButton searchButton;
    private ItemPage itemPage;

        searchField = new JTextField(9);
        add(searchField, BorderLayout.NORTH);

        searchButton = new JButton("Search");
        searchButton.addActionListener(e -> {

            String searchFor = searchField.getText();
            if ((searchFor != null) && ! searchFor.isEmpty()) {
        add(searchButton, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
        itemPage = new ItemPage();

    public static void main(String[] args)  {
        new SearchPage();

class ItemPage {

    public void search(String searchFor) {
        System.out.println("Searching for "+ searchFor);

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