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在 ramda 中组合函数

[英]combine functions in ramda

I have a function which takes two arguments, I want to curry it because it used more that one time in code.我有一个带有两个参数的函数,我想对其进行柯里化,因为它在代码中使用了不止一次。 here is the function :这是功能:

const discount = R.sum(R.map(R.propOr('0', 'discount'), invoiceArr));

now I want to give argument's (' discount ' & invoiceArr ) and return the value.现在我想给出参数的 (' discount ' & invoiceArr ) 并返回值。 I have try another way which like below:我尝试了另一种方式,如下所示:

const sumByPropName = R.curryN(2, R.compose(R.sum, R.pluck));

but this way has not propOr method.但是这种方式没有propOr方法。

There's a number of ways you can go about this.有很多方法可以解决这个问题。 Assuming you still want the function curried, the easiest way is to just make add the arguments假设您仍然希望函数柯里化,最简单的方法是添加参数

const sumByPropName = R.curry((prop, items) => R.compose(R.sum, R.map(R.propOr(0, prop)))(items))

An alternative is to use R.defaultTo to map over the undefined values and set them all to 0 , before passing to sum另一种方法是使用R.defaultTo映射未定义的值并将它们全部设置为0 ,然后R.defaultTo sum

const sumByPropName = R.curryN(2, R.compose(R.sum, R.map(R.defaultTo(0)), R.pluck))

Lastly, you could create a pluckOr function yourself, keeping sumByPropName a bit cleaner (although there's surely a nicer way to write pluckOr )最后,您可以自己创建一个pluckOr函数,使sumByPropNamesumByPropName一些(尽管肯定有更好的编写pluckOr

const pluckOr = R.curry((defaultVal, propName, items) => R.map(R.propOr(defaultVal, propName), items))
const sumByPropName = R.curryN(2, R.compose(R.sum, pluckOr(0)))

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