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[英]Ruby - Apply method on all block variables

Having for example sum = 0 例如,sum = 0

2.times do |v1, v2, v3 , v4|
  v1 = FactoryGirl...
  v2 = FactoryGirl...
  v4 = ...
sum = 

Now on sum I would like to add the value of an attribute that each object from the block has it eg 现在总的来说,我想添加一个属性值,该属性来自块中的每个对象,例如

sum = v1[:nr_sales] + v2[:nr_sales] +...

Is there a way to do this at once (apply method for all args of the block)? 有没有办法立即执行此操作(将方法应用于该块的所有参数)?

Splat operators are accepted in block parameters: 程序段参数接受Splat运算符:

def foo
  yield 1, 2, 3, 4

foo { |*args| puts args.inject(:+) } #=> 10

So in your case you could do something like: 因此,在您的情况下,您可以执行以下操作:

2.times do |*args|
  sum = args.sum { |h| h[:nr_sales] }

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