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Laravel DB查询需要帮助

[英]Laravel DB queries help needed

I am new in Laravel, Having some difficulties to understand the queries 我是Laravel的新手,难以理解查询内容

I have 2 tables 我有2张桌子

  1. Users [id, email, fname , lname ] 用户[id,email,fname,lname]

  2. Leads [id, other some fields, client, agent] 潜在客户[id,其他一些字段,客户,代理]

the client and agent is the foreign key of users table's id.. 客户端和代理是用户表ID的外键。

with the below code i can retrive datas from the Leads table but there i get client = 3 agent = 4 something like this 使用下面的代码,我可以从Leads表中检索数据,但是在那里我获得client = 3 agent = 4这样的东西

but instead of showing those ids i want to get the names of those ids from the user table 但我不想显示这些ID,而是希望从用户表中获得这些ID的名称

how to do it? 怎么做?

In the controller i have this function as of now 到目前为止,我在控制器中具有此功能

 * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function leads(){

    if(Auth::user()->role == 'admin'){

        $leads = Leads::all();

        // here in the $leads i get datas like ['id' => 1, 'field1' => 'test', 'field2'=> 'test2', 'client_id'=> 2, 'agent_id'=> 3] , but i want to get the names of the client and agent from the user table which we can do in normal sql query by joining but how to do with laravel?


    return view('leads', compact('leads'));

How it can be done ? 怎么做?

in the Users Model & Leads model i have only the default codes i have the code 在“用户模型和潜在顾客”模型中,我只有默认代码,而我有代码

will appreciate if get some quick help 如果能得到一些快速的帮助将不胜感激

First you need to change your column names to agent_id & client_id instead of agent & client . 首先,您需要将列名更改为agent_idclient_id而不是agentclient Otherwise you need to update the following code accordingly. 否则,您需要相应地更新以下代码。

Judging by your answer, i think you need to do something like this in Leads model: 从您的答案来看,我认为您需要在Leads模型中执行以下操作:

Define relations for agent & client 定义代理商与客户的关系

public function agent()
    return $this->belongsTo(User::class, 'agent_id');

public function client()
    return $this->belongsTo(User::class, 'client_id');

Autoload them on every query call to Leads model. 在对Leads模型的每次查询调用中自动加载它们。

protected $with = ['agent', 'client'];

After you do the above steps, you can simply list an agent/client for a lead by writing: 完成上述步骤后,您只需编写以下信息即可列出潜在客户的代理商/客户:


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