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Laravel DB queries help needed

I am new in Laravel, Having some difficulties to understand the queries

I have 2 tables

  1. Users [id, email, fname , lname ]

  2. Leads [id, other some fields, client, agent]

the client and agent is the foreign key of users table's id..

with the below code i can retrive datas from the Leads table but there i get client = 3 agent = 4 something like this

but instead of showing those ids i want to get the names of those ids from the user table

how to do it?

In the controller i have this function as of now

 * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function leads(){

    if(Auth::user()->role == 'admin'){

        $leads = Leads::all();

        // here in the $leads i get datas like ['id' => 1, 'field1' => 'test', 'field2'=> 'test2', 'client_id'=> 2, 'agent_id'=> 3] , but i want to get the names of the client and agent from the user table which we can do in normal sql query by joining but how to do with laravel?


    return view('leads', compact('leads'));

How it can be done ?

in the Users Model & Leads model i have only the default codes i have the code

will appreciate if get some quick help

First you need to change your column names to agent_id & client_id instead of agent & client . Otherwise you need to update the following code accordingly.

Judging by your answer, i think you need to do something like this in Leads model:

Define relations for agent & client

public function agent()
    return $this->belongsTo(User::class, 'agent_id');

public function client()
    return $this->belongsTo(User::class, 'client_id');

Autoload them on every query call to Leads model.

protected $with = ['agent', 'client'];

After you do the above steps, you can simply list an agent/client for a lead by writing:


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