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Spark RDD:如何将Map中的值连接到RDD中的一行

[英]Spark RDDs: How to join value in a Map to a row in an RDD

I have a csv file that I am loading into Spark as an RDD with: 我有一个要以RDD格式加载到Spark的csv文件:

val home_rdd = sc.textFile("hdfs://path/to/home_data.csv")
val home_parsed = home_rdd.map(row => row.split(",").map(_.trim))
val home_header = home_parsed.first
val home_data = home_parsed.filter(_(0) != home_header(0))

home_data then is: home_data然后是:

scala> home_data
res17: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[Array[String]] = MapPartitionsRDD[3] at filter at <console>:30

scala> home_data.take(3)
res20: Array[Array[String]] = Array(Array("7129300520", "20141013T000000", 221900, "3", "1", 1180, 5650, "1", 0, 0, 3, 7, 1180, 0, 1955, 0, "98178", 47.5112, -122.257, 1340, 5650), Array("6414100192", "20141209T000000", 538000, "3", "2.25", 2570, 7242, "2", 0, 0, 3, 7, 2170, 400, 1951, 1991, "98125", 47.721, -122.319, 1690, 7639), Array("5631500400", "20150225T000000", 180000, "2", "1", 770, 10000, "1", 0, 0, 3, 6, 770, 0, 1933, 0, "98028", 47.7379, -122.233, 2720, 8062))

I also have a csv of zipcodes to neighborhoods loaded as RDD then used to create a map that is a Map[String,String] with: 我也有一个邮政编码的csv,它以RDD的形式加载到社区,然后用于创建一个Map[String,String]Map[String,String]其内容如下:

val zip_rdd = sc.textFile("hdfs://path/to/zipcodes.csv")
val zip_parsed = zip_rdd.map(row => row.split(",").map(_.trim))
val zip_header = zip_parsed.first
val zip_data = zip_parsed.filter(_(0) != zip_header(0))
val zip_map = zip_data.map(row => (row(0), row(1))).collectAsMap
val zip_ind = home_header.indexOf("zipcode") //to get the zipcode column in home_data

Where: 哪里:

scala> zip_map.take(3)
res21: scala.collection.Map[String,String] = Map(98151 -> Seattle, 98052 -> Redmond, 98104 -> Seattle)

What I am trying to do next is iterate through home_data and use the zipcode value in each row (at zip_ind = 16) to fetch the neighborhood value from zip_map and append that value to the end of the row. 我接下来要做的是遍历home_data并使用每行中的邮政编码值(在zip_ind = 16处)从zip_map获取邻居值并将该值附加到行末。

val zip_processed = home_data.map(row => row :+ zip_map.get(row(zip_ind)))

But each time it fetches from zip_map, something is failing and so it only appends None to the end of each row in home_data 但是,每次从zip_map中获取内容时,都会出现故障,因此仅将None附加到home_data中每一行的末尾

scala> zip_processed.take(3)
res19: Array[Array[java.io.Serializable]] = Array(Array("7129300520", "20141013T000000", 221900, "3", "1", 1180, 5650, "1", 0, 0, 3, 7, 1180, 0, 1955, 0, "98178", 47.5112, -122.257, 1340, 5650, None), Array("6414100192", "20141209T000000", 538000, "3", "2.25", 2570, 7242, "2", 0, 0, 3, 7, 2170, 400, 1951, 1991, "98125", 47.721, -122.319, 1690, 7639, None), Array("5631500400", "20150225T000000", 180000, "2", "1", 770, 10000, "1", 0, 0, 3, 6, 770, 0, 1933, 0, "98028", 47.7379, -122.233, 2720, 8062, None))

I am trying to debug this, but am not sure why it's failing at zip_map.get(row(zip_ind)) . 我正在尝试调试它,但是不确定zip_map.get(row(zip_ind))为何失败。

I am fairly green with Scala so maybe I am making some bad assumptions, but trying to figure out how to better understand what is happening in the map function. 我对Scala相当满意,所以也许我在做出一些错误的假设,但是试图弄清楚如何更好地了解map函数中正在发生的事情。

Map.get() returns None when there is no match. 如果没有匹配项,则Map.get()返回None You can use getOrElse to append the Map value with a fall-back: 您可以使用getOrElse附加Map值:

val home_data = sc.parallelize(Array(
  Array("7129300520", "20141013T000000", 221900, "3", "1", 1180, 5650, "1", 0, 0, 3, 7, 1180, 0, 1955, 0, "98178", 47.5112, -122.257, 1340, 5650),
  Array("6414100192", "20141209T000000", 538000, "3", "2.25", 2570, 7242, "2", 0, 0, 3, 7, 2170, 400, 1951, 1991, "98125", 47.721, -122.319, 1690, 7639),
  Array("5631500400", "20150225T000000", 180000, "2", "1", 770, 10000, "1", 0, 0, 3, 6, 770, 0, 1933, 0, "98028", 47.7379, -122.233, 2720, 8062)

val zip_ind = 16
val zip_map: Map[String, String] = Map("98178" -> "A", "98028" -> "B")

val zip_processed = home_data.map(row => row :+ zip_map.getOrElse(row(zip_ind).toString, "N/A"))

// res1: Array[Array[Any]] = Array(
//   Array(7129300520, 20141013T000000, 221900, 3, 1, 1180, 5650, 1, 0, 0, 3, 7, 1180, 0, 1955, 0, 98178, 47.5112, -122.257, 1340, 5650, A),
//   Array(6414100192, 20141209T000000, 538000, 3, 2.25, 2570, 7242, 2, 0, 0, 3, 7, 2170, 400, 1951, 1991, 98125, 47.721, -122.319, 1690, 7639, N/A),
//   Array(5631500400, 20150225T000000, 180000, 2, 1, 770, 10000, 1, 0, 0, 3, 6, 770, 0, 1933, 0, 98028, 47.7379, -122.233, 2720, 8062, B)
// )

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