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[英]having trouble in python with syntax for .replace

I am getting a syntax error (line 8 rw.replace) when I try to import this line of code. 尝试导入此代码行时出现语法错误(第8行rw.replace)。 It should work fine? 它应该工作正常吗?

def mirror(word):
    mirrorletters = str([[p,q],[q,p],[d,b][b,d]])
    rw == reverse(word)
    while True:
        if item in word:
            for mirrorletters in rw:
                for p in rw:
                    print rw.replace('p','q')
                for q in rw:
                    print rw.replace('q','p')
                for d in rw:
                    print rw.replace('d','b')
                for b in rw:
                    print rw.replace('b','d')
        elif item not in word:

I'm assuming what you are trying to do is reverse the string passed in, and replace "p" with "q" and vice versa and the same with "d" and "b"? 我假设您要执行的操作是反转传入的字符串,并用“ q”替换“ p”,反之亦然,用“ d”和“ b”替换相同的字符串?

mirrorletters = str([[p,q],[q,p],[d,b][b,d]]) is raising an error because you are trying to reference p , q , d , and b , none of which exist. mirrorletters = str([[p,q],[q,p],[d,b][b,d]])引发错误,因为您尝试引用pqdb ,都不是存在。 You want the string representation of those letters. 您需要这些字母的字符串表示形式。

rw == reverse(word) is not setting rw to the contents of reverse(word) you are comparing with == . rw == reverse(word)不会将rw设置为与==进行比较的reverse(word)的内容。

Also, reverse() to my knowledge is not in the standard library for Python 2 or 3. 另外,据我所知, reverse()不在Python 2或3的标准库中。

You can reverse a string by saying 您可以通过说出反向字符串

word = 'hello' r = word[::-1] print(r) # prints "olleh"

this does what I believe you are trying to do.: 这就是我相信您正在尝试做的事情:

def mirror(word):

        # Make a list of characters to be swapped.
        # "d" will be swapped with "b" and vice versa.
        # The same goes for "q" and "p"
        mirror_letters = [('d', 'b'), ('q', 'p')]

        # Start with a new string
        new_word = ''

        # Go through each letter in the word and keep up with the index
        for letter in word:

            # Go through each "character set" in mirror_letters
            for char_set in mirror_letters:

                # enumerate the char_set and get an index and character of each item in the list
                for index, char in enumerate(char_set):

                    # If the letter is equal to the character, set letter to character
                    if letter == char:

                        # Doing a little bit of "reverse indexing" here to determine which character to set letter to
                        letter = char_set[::-1][index]

                        # If we set the letter, break so we don't possibly change back.

            # Add the letter to the new word
            new_word += letter

        return new_word[::-1]

Outputs: 输出:

print(mirror('abcd')) # prints "bcda"

print(mirror('pqrs')) # prints "srpq"

If you want ro mirror a string and then swap some letters, you could go for a function like this: 如果要ro镜像一个字符串然后交换一些字母,则可以使用以下函数:

def mirrorString(string, swap=[]):
    mirroed = string[::-1]
    i = 0
    while chr(i) in mirroed:
        i += 1
    for a, b in swap:
        mirroed = mirroed.replace(a, chr(i)).replace(b, a).replace(chr(i), b)
    return mirroed

print(mirrorString("abcd", [('b', 'd'), ('p', 'q')])) # bcda

I'm first mirroing the string, then selecting a character that is not present in the string to use as a temporal placeholder, then im iterating over the swap pairs, and replacing the first letter of the pair by the placeholder, the second by the first and the placeholder by the second. 我首先镜像字符串,然后选择字符串中不存在的字符用作临时占位符,然后遍历交换对,并用占位符替换对中的第一个字母,第二个替换为占位符。第一个,占位符第二个。

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