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Symfony Twig:使用可变属性获取Object属性

[英]Symfony Twig : get Object property with a variable property

Symfony 3.0 : Symfony 3.0:

In my project, I have many entities which contains more than 50 fields, so that for the twig which show every entity, i decided to automate the display of the 50 fields by a simple loop. 在我的项目中,我有许多包含50多个字段的实体,因此对于显示每个实体的树枝,我决定通过一个简单的循环自动显示50个字段。

First problem : how to get entity's all fields names, i resolved this by creating a custom twig filter : 第一个问题:如何获取实体的所有字段名称,我通过创建自定义树枝过滤器解决了此问题:

// src/HomeBundle/Twig/HomeExtension.php
namespace HomeBundle\Twig;

class HomeExtension extends \Twig_Extension
    public function getFilters()
        return array(
            new \Twig_SimpleFilter('object_keys', array($this, 'getObjectKeys')),

    public function getObjectKeys($object)
        //Instantiate the reflection object
        $reflector = new \ReflectionClass( get_class($object) );

        //Now get all the properties from class A in to $properties array
        $properties = $reflector->getProperties();
        foreach ($properties as $property)
            $result[] = $property->getName();

        return $result;

    public function getName()
        return 'app_extension';


Second problem which generate the error right now : how to access to object properties within a loop: 现在产生错误的第二个问题:如何在循环中访问对象属性:

        {% for property in article|object_keys%}
                             {{property|capitalize}} {# that's work clean #}
                             {{ attribute(article,property) }}  {# that's generate the error #}
        {% endfor%} 

The error : 错误 :

An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Notice: Array to string conversion").
500 Internal Server Error - Twig_Error_Runtime

Finally, the error is fixed on the "getObjectKeys" method of the filter, 最后,错误已通过过滤器的“ getObjectKeys”方法修复,

so when it return an array that I create manually it works : 因此,当它返回我手动创建的数组时,它可以工作:

return array("reference","libelle");

But, when I send an array created within a loop => Error. 但是,当我发送在循环中创建的数组=>错误时。

I dumped the two arrays in the twig, they were equivalents, but the second still generating an error. 我将这两个数组转储到树枝中,它们是等效的,但第二个数组仍然产生错误。

Most likely one of your properties is returning an array rather than a simple string , integer , ... . 您的属性中最有可能的一个属性是返回一个数组,而不是简单的stringinteger ... A solution here could be to store the value in a variable and check whether the stored value is an array. 一种解决方案是将值存储在变量中,并检查存储的值是否为数组。 Depending on that check do something with the value or otherwise just output the variable 根据该检查,对值进行处理,否则仅输出变量

{% for property in article|object_keys%}
        {% set value = attribute(article,property) %}
        {% if value is iterable %}{# test if value is an array #}
            {{ value | join(', ') }}
        {% else %}
            {{ value }}
        {% endif %}
{% endfor%} 

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