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在表格顶部添加带有数据集的行(stargazer R软件包)

[英]Add line with datasets at top of table (stargazer R package)

With the code below I manage to produce the first table below. 使用下面的代码,我设法产生下面的第一个表。 But... 但...

swiss2 <- swiss[1:20,]

m1 <- lm(Fertility ~ Agriculture, data = swiss)
m2 <- lm(Fertility ~ Examination, data = swiss)
m3 <- lm(Infant.Mortality ~ Education, data = swiss)
m4 <- lm(Infant.Mortality ~ Catholic, data = swiss)
m5 <- lm(Fertility ~ Agriculture, data = swiss2)
m6 <- lm(Fertility ~ Examination, data = swiss2)
m7 <- lm(Infant.Mortality ~ Education, data = swiss2)
m8 <- lm(Infant.Mortality ~ Catholic, data = swiss2)

stargazer(m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7, m8,
          type = "latex",
          column.labels = c("(M1)", "(M2)", "(M3)", "(M4)", "(M5)", "(M6)", "(M7)", "(M8)"), 
          model.names = FALSE,
          model.numbers = FALSE,
          star.cutoffs = c(0.05, 0.01, 0.001),
          dep.var.labels = c("Outcome 1", "Outcome 2", "Outcome 1", "Outcome 2"))


...I would rather like to produce this table below. ...我想在下面产生这张桌子。 The only difference is that there is a row instead of the row "Dependent variable:" with two columns that indicate the relevant datasets Swiss and Swiss2. 唯一的区别是,有一行而不是“因变量:”行,其中两列表示相关的数据集Swiss和Swiss2。 I can do this manually in Latex but I need/want a direct hack in R so that my study is fully reproducible from the Rmarkdown file. 我可以在Latex中手动完成此操作,但是我需要/想要直接在R中进行破解,以便可以从Rmarkdown文件中完全复制我的研究。 Ideas anyone? 有任何想法吗? Thanks! 谢谢!


In the stargazer() function, the row you refer to is governed by the dep.var.caption option. stargazer()函数中,您引用的行由dep.var.caption选项控制。 Unfortunately, since you want more than one column in this row, you can't accomplish what you want without some tinkering; 不幸的是,由于您希望在这一行中有多个列,因此,如果不作任何修改,就无法完成所需的操作。 if you pass a vector of length > 1 to this option, stargazer() will throw an error. 如果将长度大于1的向量传递给此选项, stargazer()将抛出错误。 So, we'll have to make a custom function that captures the output from stargazer() and modifies it accordingly before printing it. 因此,我们必须创建一个自定义函数,以捕获stargazer()的输出并在打印之前进行相应的修改。

The following .Rmd file worked fine for me (output below the code): 以下.Rmd文件对我来说很好(代码下面的输出):

title: "Stack Overflow Answer"
author: "duckmayr"
date: "November 3, 2017"
output: pdf_document

```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

```{r, echo=FALSE}
custom_table <- function(dataset_labels, ...) {
    tbl <- capture.output(stargazer::stargazer(...))
    pattern1 <- 'Dependent variable:'
    pattern2 <- '(?<= \\& ).+(?= \\\\)'
    first_row_index <- which(grepl(pattern=pattern1, x=tbl))
    first_row <- tbl[first_row_index]
    colspan <- as.numeric(gsub(pattern='[^0-9]+', replacement='', first_row))
    colspan <- colspan / length(dataset_labels)
    new_first_row <- sub('[0-9]+', colspan, first_row)
    replacement <- rep(stringr::str_extract(new_first_row, pattern2), 2)
    replacement <- stringr::str_replace(replacement, pattern1, dataset_labels)
    replacement <- paste(replacement, collapse=' & ')
    new_first_row <- stringr::str_replace(new_first_row, pattern2, replacement)
    new_first_row <- stringr::str_replace_all(new_first_row, 'multi', '\\\\multi')
    new_first_row <- stringr::str_replace_all(new_first_row, 'textit', '\\\\textit')
    tbl[first_row_index] <- new_first_row
    cat(tbl, sep='\n')
swiss2 <- swiss[1:20,]
m1 <- lm(Fertility ~ Agriculture, data = swiss)
m2 <- lm(Fertility ~ Examination, data = swiss)
m3 <- lm(Infant.Mortality ~ Education, data = swiss)
m4 <- lm(Infant.Mortality ~ Catholic, data = swiss)
m5 <- lm(Fertility ~ Agriculture, data = swiss2)
m6 <- lm(Fertility ~ Examination, data = swiss2)
m7 <- lm(Infant.Mortality ~ Education, data = swiss2)
m8 <- lm(Infant.Mortality ~ Catholic, data = swiss2)

```{r, echo=FALSE, results='asis'}
custom_table(c('Data: Swiss', 'Data: Swiss2'),
             m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7, m8,
             type = "latex",
             column.labels = c("(M1)", "(M2)", "(M3)", "(M4)", "(M5)", "(M6)", "(M7)", "(M8)"), 
             model.names = FALSE,
             model.numbers = FALSE,
             star.cutoffs = c(0.05, 0.01, 0.001),
             dep.var.labels = c("Outcome 1", "Outcome 2", "Outcome 1", "Outcome 2"))


EDIT: 编辑:

If you'd prefer the output to go to a tex file rather than (or in addition to) directly using the output in the .Rmd file, we can make the following tweak: 如果您希望将输出转到tex文件,而不是(或除了)直接使用.Rmd文件中的输出,我们可以进行以下调整:

custom_table <- function(dataset_labels, ..., cat_output=TRUE, out_file=NULL) {
    tbl <- capture.output(stargazer::stargazer(...))
    pattern1 <- 'Dependent variable:'
    pattern2 <- '(?<= \\& ).+(?= \\\\)'
    first_row_index <- which(grepl(pattern=pattern1, x=tbl))
    first_row <- tbl[first_row_index]
    colspan <- as.numeric(gsub(pattern='[^0-9]+', replacement='', first_row))
    colspan <- colspan / length(dataset_labels)
    new_first_row <- sub('[0-9]+', colspan, first_row)
    replacement <- rep(stringr::str_extract(new_first_row, pattern2), 2)
    replacement <- stringr::str_replace(replacement, pattern1, dataset_labels)
    replacement <- paste(replacement, collapse=' & ')
    new_first_row <- stringr::str_replace(new_first_row, pattern2, replacement)
    new_first_row <- stringr::str_replace_all(new_first_row, 'multi', '\\\\multi')
    new_first_row <- stringr::str_replace_all(new_first_row, 'textit', '\\\\textit')
    tbl[first_row_index] <- new_first_row
    if ( cat_output ) {
        cat(tbl, sep='\n')
    if ( !is.null(out_file) ) {
        cat(tbl, sep='\n', file=out_file)

Then if you run the code below in an R script, or put it in a chunk in an Rmd file, you will get the output written to the file 'test_out.tex' as well as directly output: 然后,如果您在R脚本中运行下面的代码,或将其放在Rmd文件的大块中,则将输出写入文件“ test_out.tex”并直接输出:

custom_table(c('Data: Swiss', 'Data: Swiss2'),
             m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7, m8,
             type = "latex",
             column.labels = c("(M1)", "(M2)", "(M3)", "(M4)", "(M5)", "(M6)", "(M7)", "(M8)"), 
             model.names = FALSE,
             model.numbers = FALSE,
             star.cutoffs = c(0.05, 0.01, 0.001),
             dep.var.labels = c("Outcome 1", "Outcome 2", "Outcome 1", "Outcome 2"))

Using the out option of the stargazer() function won't quite work because stargazer() will write the output to out before we've had a chance to make our modifications to it, but this tweak works. 使用stargazer()函数的out选项将无法正常工作,因为stargazer()会在我们没有机会对其进行修改之前将输出写入out ,但是这种调整有效。

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