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[英]Will the windows app work after the certificate is expired

We have a windows app that runs on Windows 8.1. 我们有一个在Windows 8.1上运行的Windows应用程序。 We use a test certificate with sideloading to install the app. 我们使用带有侧面加载的测试证书来安装该应用程序。 The key is expiring in a few days and we are in the process of generating a new one and deploying it. 密钥将在几天后过期,我们正在生成一个新密钥并进行部署。 Meanwhile, I would like to know will the app stop working after the certificate expires? 同时,我想知道证书过期后该应用程序将停止运行吗? I tried to post date my device and test the app which worked even with a expired certificate. 我试图发布我的设备的日期并测试即使使用了过期证书也可以正常运行的应用程序。 Is that the intended behaviour? 那是预期的行为吗? I do understand for any future deployment of the app it does need a renewed certificate, but will the current version continue to work even after the certificate expired. 我确实知道该应用程序的任何将来部署都需要更新证书,但是即使证书过期后,当前版本仍可以继续工作。

I tried googling and go through various articles but could not find a relevant answer. 我尝试使用Google搜索,并浏览了各种文章,但找不到相关的答案。

The current installed version will cease to work after the cert expires. 证书过期后,当前安装的版本将停止工作。 At app start up, a checking is performed on the cert that is used to sign the app, if the cert has already expired, the app can not open. 应用程序启动时,将对用于对应用程序签名的证书进行检查,如果证书已过期,则无法打开该应用程序。 The symptom is the app window is showing for a second then immediately minimized. 症状是应用程序窗口显示一秒钟,然后立即最小化。

In your test, make sure the app is terminated (in Task Manager) before setting system time so that you won't end up testing a app resuming scenario. 在测试中,请确保在设置系统时间之前终止了该应用程序(在任务管理器中),以免最终测试恢复应用程序的场景。 And you need to disconnect from corporate network since the system time can be synchronized with corporate servers. 由于系统时间可以与公司服务器同步,因此您需要与公司网络断开连接。 Then try to reopen the app and you should be able to observe the symptom. 然后尝试重新打开应用程序,您应该可以观察到症状。

Update : 更新

I realize I was following some particular steps in my test, I first installed a package, then right before launching it for the first time, I set system time, and then launched the app. 我意识到我正在按照测试中的某些特定步骤操作,首先安装了一个程序包,然后在首次启动该程序之前 ,设置了系统时间,然后启动了该应用程序。 In this way, the app failed to open. 这样,该应用程序无法打开。 The error looks like 错误看起来像

App failed with error: Element not found. 应用失败,出现错误:找不到元素。

I guess some extra deployment step which takes place in the first launch is blocked because the cert has expired. 我猜因为证书已过期,首次启动中发生的一些额外部署步骤被阻止了。 So the app cannot be activated. 因此该应用无法激活。

If the deployed app has run at least once, looks like it can continue to work without any issue after the expiry date. 如果已部署的应用程序至少运行了一次,则看起来它可以在到期日期后继续正常运行而没有任何问题。

Recently we faced the same issue in our windows 8.1 app. 最近,我们在Windows 8.1应用程序中遇到了同样的问题。 The Current installed Build works normal even after the certificate expired. 即使证书过期,当前安装的内部版本也可以正常工作。 But the new build will not get installed as it will look for valid certificate. 但是新版本将无法安装,因为它将寻找有效的证书。

Incase if you are in need to install build with expired certificate you can change the date(date before certificate expiry) and you can install the same build. 如果您需要使用过期的证书安装内部版本,则可以更改日期(证书过期之前的日期),然后可以安装相同的内部版本。 After successful installation you can change the date and run the app. 成功安装后,您可以更改日期并运行该应用程序。

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